Spine sticking out with bloated stomach

    • Bronze

    Spine sticking out with bloated stomach

    I have been the biggest lurker here but now I need your HELP! My chi/x is 12 years old and has been to the vet many times in the last few weeks. He has been really healthy his whole life. He woke up one day with his spine sticking out and his belly swollen. I have read that it can be many things. Has anybody had any experience with this? I read that it can be rupture of the spleen or congestive heart failure. He eats fine, is not lethargic, does his boom booms fine. I am really scared cuz I took such good care of him with home cooking, filtered water, etc. Please help me. Thank you.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't have any idea what could be causing your little guy's problem.  What does the vet say?  It's pretty hard for anyone on the internet to make any kind of accurate assessment.  I'm sorry he's sick and I'm sending good vibes for him and for you.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What *does* the vet say?  If you've been many times, does that mean you've been for this particular thing?

    Describe more specifically please -- when you say "spine sticking out" -- does that mean his back is hunched over so the spine is more visble or that it's like the muscles have atrophied away leaving the spine more prominent?

    Has he been on prednisone at all?

    Has he been coughing or sleeping more than usual?

    Sorry -- when you say "boom booms" -- please be a bit more specific.  Are you talking about him pooping?  This is a dog board -- you CAN say poop on here!  *smile*  We all talk about it ALL the time!!  it's not rude!

    I wouldn't worry about a ruptured spleen -- he would be in horrible pain. 

    • Bronze

    i aggree with callie we need some better details. what does your vet say? why has he gone to the vets many times in the last few weeks? i highly doubt he developed this overnight but, stranger things have happened. give us some details, we would all love to help you.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Now might be a good time to seek out a second opinion form a different vet!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nothing to add here except sending good vibes for you and your furr baby.

    • Bronze
    I appreciate that all you guys took time out of your busy schedules to help me and Marco. He used to cough only after drinking water. Then I kenneled him for a month and he caught Kennel cough because his vaccine only protected three strains and I guess that there are twenty-seven strains. Poor baby. Therefore, we cured that with antibiotics. Then I took him back to the vet cuz he was breathing hard. She said that it was good that he was doing it with a closed mouth. After listening to his heart, she said that his waistline will eventually disappear because of this problem, but I did not expect his rib bones to become so prominent. Re: his poop … about two weeks ago it was watery so I have been giving him Tylan powder and it has improved a lot. I have a call into the vet. She is so good at calling me back whenever I phone her. She knows what a neurotic mom I am. After reading on the internet, I was maybe thinking that Lasix or Co-Q 10 would help. He has also been getting beef heart for the Taurine. I am into alternative medicine a little bit. It has kept me healthy so I was hoping that it would help my puppy.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Absolutely try the Co-Q-10 -- give him about 2-3 times his weight in milligrams twice a day.  If he is tiny, a 50 mg pill is ok -- he'll just excrete what he doesn't need.

    Co-Q-10 helps get oxygen to the cells -- it's darned good stuff.

    Can I suggest something -- don't load him on heart meds without REAL need.  Please try taking him to a TCVM vet.  I'm not saying "leave" your regular vet -- but simply ADD the TCVM.  It absolutely *rocks* for heart stuff and there are a bunch of good herbs they use that don't have the negative side effects that Lasix does (lasix makes them incontinent, and it also causes the skin to think *horribly*).  Only do the pharmaceuticals if need be.

    If the vet needs to they can usually do an EEG and pipe it over the phone to the nearest vet school. 

    but http://www.tcvm.com is the Chi Institute -- there's a locator on the left and if you want to email me your zip code I'll be happy to help you figure out who might be best.  I've HAD **two** dogs who ahve used TCVM extensively for heart stuff and one of those is Billy -- the dog in my signature.  It's been almost 3 years and his heart has not "degraded" at all -- and he STILL doesn't have to be on pharmaceuticals despite some enlargement and a grade 3/4 heart murmur!! 

    • Bronze
    Because I have been such a longtime lurker, I have been praying that Billy comes out of surgery fine [now half my prayers have been answered] and I am now praying for good test results to return. Unfortunately, I am at a time in my life where I am unemployed and can no longer even afford acu for me. I loved it. It really DID help. My vet told me he will need to go to a cardiologist if it gets any worse. Well, I will just have to be proactive by myself. So I am going to start with Co-Q-10. [is that the human or dog one?] I would really appreciate it if you could tell me the names of some of those herbs. Thanx a bunch.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for the well wishes on Billy -- Mr. Perfect's halo has been a bit tarnished is all *smile* 

    Baby Boy Marco
    So I am going to start with Co-Q-10. [is that the human or dog one?] I would really appreciate it if you could tell me the names of some of those herbs. Thanx a bunch.

    Co-Q-10 is a human thing -- most ANY drug store carries it.  Wal-Mart does as well.

    Hawthornberry -- and you can buy that in bulk if it's easier.  Email me and we'll talk about dose!


    • Bronze

    Callie you are truly one amazing person. Here you have your Baby Boy Billy to worry about and you reach out and help Baby Boy Marco.


    I talked to the vet and she said that she has no idea because he is doing everything else normal. She has calmed me down for now but I think that I will have to make a visit in the next day or two. I do know that Marco is very stoic. I don’t know if that matters.


    I will keep you updated.


    Could I please have your email address?


    Thank you for your help in this matter.


    • Gold Top Dog

     I use CoQ10 for my cat with congestive heart failure. It's made a world of difference for her along with the hawthorn berry. I get my CoQ10 in powder form. The bottle last longer and is a little cheaper than the pills. I use 2 bottles a year for a 14 pound cat at the 50 mg dosing.

     Prayers for you and the little one!

    • Bronze

    Amy I appreciate that information. It is good to know because those are two supplements that I have never taken .

    • Gold Top Dog

    For the dogs hawthorneberry can be done in bulk -- WAY Cheaper and Leaves and Roots (http://www.leavesandroots.com ) carries the certified organic in bulk -- it takes like dusty strawberries.  Billy likes it. 

    StarDancin--- where you do you get the Co-Q-10 in powder form??

    • Gold Top Dog

     Callie, I get it from here: CoQ10 at Iherb.  

    They are the cheapest I have found and their shipping is amazingly fast.Their shipping rates are pretty good too: Ground is a flat $4 or free over $40; 2nd day is a flat $6 or free over $120.