Posted : 6/13/2010 12:35:41 AM
Callie - the vets don't want her on cough suppressants so as not to mask any worsening of symptoms; is the remedy you mentioned a suppressant or just a soother?
I'ts JUST a soothant -- and the slippery elm is a darned good anti-inflammatory for the lungs. Youc an give her as much as she wants -- the lemon is some mild Vit C, and local unfiltered honey is the best if you can find it. If you go to a health store usually you can get slippery elm "tea" (which is just bulk slippery elm). That way you don't have to empty capsules.
It's one of the reasons I always suggest the honey and lemon for dogs -- because it is NOT a suppressant and you can give it in between if you *are* using a cough suppressant or just give it alone if you don't want the cough suppressed.
It's also comforting to be honest -- "Here, Mom'll give you something to make you feel better!" yeah -- it works.
Good luck!