Sheba is limping pretty bad on her 'good' leg last night & this morning. I kept her inside today. I think it's finally happened her good knee has given out. I haven't taken her into the vet yet, I'm going to see if some rest helps. But I'm pretty sure it's gone out. Right now I'm weighing my options. I really dont feel like she should be put down :( she still is energetic about life, but her poor body isnt keeping up with her! She's 14 years old now!
Knee braces are quite expensive & that only supports ONE leg. I'm seriously thinking about getting her a doggie wheelchair. She's so old that I dont know how long she'd be around after an expensive surgery, and frankly I'm not in a postition to get her the surgery at the moment. But I need to discuss things with my vet & Sheba's previous owner.
Has anyone had any experiences with the dog wheelchairs??