Posted : 7/22/2009 11:33:12 AM
Yep, been there done that to the extreme with Ms. Socks -- I'm at work so I can't do it right now but can help you, I'm sure.
Red meat is better, and nothing is better than beef heart amongst everything else. Don't give in to the "I only want protein" thing but veggies are better than grains. The grain can be tough to digest -- try potato (sweet and/or white) instead.
don't peel anything -- but get it broken down so you can just add hamburger and it all cooks together. I cut stuff up and use a potato masher -- others use a food processor -- do what's easy for you. If she can "pick things out" she probably will which is why I cook everything together and mash it together. I'd keep it bland for now -- and maybe just use white potato to keep it really bland.
Beef heart is cheap (I get it for like $1.69 a pound -- you may have to call around and see who will carry it.) -- it's good tasting and good for you (*I* like beef heart) and heaven knows the price is right -- the senior citizens down here often eat it.
The heart meds can make them a bit incontinent. That's why most every senior citizen runs around wearing Depends. But frankly that's pretty easy to cope with and I can tell you how to do that as well. Ms. Socks leaked the whole time she was with us (6 1/2 years!!) and it wasn't a problem.
Ms. Sock's heart was MASSIVE. Boxer-mix and her heart was the size of a cantalope. No joke. but it's definitely something you can cope with and they do better on the meds.
The one thing I'd tell you to add is Co-Q-10. Give her what you can afford to twice a day. Even 1 or 2 times her weight in mg is a HUGE help. That gets oxygen to the cells. It's pricey but you can often find sales on it. I've got Kee and Billy both on it. But it's easy to find -- Wal-Mart carries it and so does most grocery stores and Walgreens -- but WATCH the price - it can vary widely.
Also -- Hawthorne berry -- really will help. Again, Billy's on that and has been for a long time. It's another one of those things pretty widely accepted even to regular vets. -- milk thistle you can get just as a powder and it's WAY cheaper -- just mix in her food (try dumping a couple of caps to check and make sure) -- very benign taste -- my dogs will lick it up off the floor if I happen to spill some so it's not bad. Her prices on hawthorne are good as well -- if you want I'll send her some of those. Leaves and Roots carries a good quality herb -- but you don't get fancy bottles, just little baggies that are labelled (because she sells 'bulk' essentially).