Posted : 4/9/2008 3:43:42 PM
Thanks Max's mom :) for the info and suggestions.
Unfortunately TPLO isn't in the cards for her... the surgeon I brought Oliver for his TPO's who I don't even like is 2200-3,000 and is not board certified and the board certified vet (really the only one in a four/five hour radius) is between 3 and 5,000!!!
However, I can afford one of the other suture repairs that you mentioned and I've read about. I do have a country vet up here that i might trust to do that as he used to do surgery on military dogs and did a spectacular job fixing Khoale's knee when the muscle was severed from in it a dog attack. There is another non-board certified surgeon that will do one of the suture repairs for between 6 and 800 and he is fairly well known as competent up here. Believe me though, if this were a different situation (ie I had tons of money) I'd be all over getting the best board certified vet, unfortunately we may have to gamble on this one, my bank account and care credit are maxed out after snickers and to choose between low cost less reiable care and no care at all....
She has FINALLY begun to toe touch after 4 days which I hope means it isn't fully ruptured?
I started her on 1/2 tab glyco flex III, knox nutra joint, salmon oil, and rimadyl... .she's in really great shape since she got so much exercise as a sled dog in training so no weight loss is needed.