Advice on shampoo / possible epileptic reactions

    • Gold Top Dog

    Advice on shampoo / possible epileptic reactions

    OK, mods, I know you'll think about moving this to the grooming thread.......but it's not really about a grooming issue, but a possible health related one.

    My boy had a series of seizures 4 months ago. Vet thought toxins.  Now, I realize that it can just be idiopathic, but being a good mom, I can't help but try and put clues together to see if it was something that triggered it.  The first event occured after I placed peppermint essential oil on a candle and burned a few hours.  Of course, it might not be related......but maybe it is.

    So, fast foward.  I've been using Buddy Wash Lavendar (and loooooove it).  I shake the bottle a little and pour some into another bottle and dilute A LOT.  Then rinse the dog A LOT.   Last seizure - couple weeks ago was after a bath.  They've been going to daycare and stink so bad that they'be been being washed twice a week.

    I had gotten near the end of the bottle on this last wash.  I think it has rosemary essential oil in it as a preservative along with the Lavender.  I am wondering if maybe I hadn't been shaking enough --- that stuff is hard to shake b/c it is so thick ---- and maybe the rosemary essential oil got concentrated at the bottom of the bottle and it might have affected him.  I know this may sound like a reach, but there might be a connection???

    So, last week I searched the archives and checked out recommended soaps and I could not find any that I wanted to try.  Most had essential oils in them and the ones that didn't were part of a line that did and I am worried that they might have had some in by accident.   I will not use shampoos with chemical preservatives.

    I just can't bring myself to purchase Dr. Bronners -- I just can't with all the stuff on the outside of the bottle.  I can't ignore it.  (or read most of it, for that matter).

    I did pick up a bar soap of Tom's of Maine - if I use it, it won't be soapy and easy to use like a liquid, but I would like your opinions on it.

    Ingredients:         Soaps of coconut and palm
                             Vitamin E
                             Calendula extract  & other natural oils
                              Jojoba oil
                             Olive oil
                              Rosemary extract   ( I wonder if this is the same as rosemary essential oil???)
                              Ascorbyl palmitate   (preservative from Vit C and palm oil)

    I don't know what the other natural oils are, or if the rosemary extract in this would affect him ---if it was the rosemary in the bottom of the Buddy Wash that affected him.

    Any advice?

    Most ingredients are for mositurizing.  The only cleanserw are the saops of coconut and palm.  Is this safe?  And is there somewhere just to get this?

    Until / If there is another seizure, I have to assume that the essential oils might have played a role / unless a seizure happens when there is no connection.


    • Bronze
    hi Lynn,
    good to see your still on the quest (just like I am) to find out the cause of our doggies episodes.  I thought Quins could have been fly spray related, but that seems to be wrong. Its so bloody hard and so worrying that its really consuming most of my spare time, as im sure it is yours.

    I think we may be experiencing something similar with our boys, so I will PM you if I come up with anything.
    good luck with your search

    • Gold Top Dog
    Thank you, Pam.....
    and Quin is a stunning boy.....those eyes are memerizing.   Oh, I just want to hug tight on him! 
    • Gold Top Dog
    NOPE,  I can't use this.  Thanks to another thread awile back, Bunni had talked about how she had checked out the pH levels, so b/c of that I knew it was important.  My Buddy Wash came in at, or just under, 6.0 pH.  The soap I mentioned came in at 8.5 or above.  So, I will not be using it.
    Since I haven't ordered any more,  I will use the rest of this and I suppose I will find out if it happens again that there was a connection between the bottom of the bottle and my not shaking it well enough or not........
    • Gold Top Dog
    Some essential oils are quite potent and can cross the blood brain barrier.  This is not a dog I would use them on.  Instead, find a mild all natural hypoallergenic with no scent.
    Or, consult a holistic vet for ideas.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Have you tried this product from Earhtbath? 
    Great for allergy and sensitive dogs.  They also offer it in bar form.
    I love their lavender scented shampoo as well as the creme rinse/conditioner.  It smells clean and fresh, and not overpowering.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I use Buddy Wash on Emma, and she's never had an issue. If I were you, though, I'd just stop using it and see if it goes away[;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well,  since you guys were so nice about responding, I guess I will have to tell you my confesion.
    Oh, and I did not know that some oil can cross the bbb.  Thank you for that info, Anne.  That is a concern and, as a matter of fact, I have just ordered the test for the MDR1 strain b/c my guys react so badly to common drugs.  But, I would not have thought of oils doing this. 
    But, first,  I had -before my original posting -checked some sites out, inlcuding sitstay and didn't find anything per my specifications.  Well, for some reason, I went back and found one by Espree that only has:  Aloe Vera, Coconut Oil, Panthene, Jojoba, and vit. A,D,E.   That's a pretty short list.  It did not have any parabens (which Earthbath has and I was trying to avoid, but thank you for the suggestion [:)])  and it does not have any essential oils.  No chemical preservatives, and since no essential oil as a preservative, I am supposing the vitamins act as the preservative.  Coconut oil is pretty shelf stable, so maybe preservatives aren't really needed.  
    So, anyway, I took a risk the other day.  For some unknown reason, I have also been wary of rosemary.  So, on my way across town to pick my guys up after daycare, I stop at a grocery store and they are selling a nice large rosemary plant.  I lost my very, very large one last year when I had to move it b/c it was growing toooo big.  I'm getting in the car, and think, oh my, it is very, very smelly.  So, I think I will chance it and keep the windows rolled down on our 1/2 hour drive home so it won't get too smelly and bother him.   So, we get home and I start to bathe him and he is extra ansty about the bath - more so than usual.  well, I didn't have any more shampoo, so I also chanced the Buddy wash again b/c I had added water to the remaining bit at the bottom and I then had plenty - diluted as usual.   I didn't like chancing all this stuff that I thought *might* affect him, but I did.  That was yesterday, and so far so good - no problems that I have seen.  A bit jumpy, but he can be like that anyway.    I know I was reaching for things to connect, but you have to try and figure out if there is a connection - just in case.  Now I suppose I can say there was not a connection there, afterall.  I think if I hadn't just did the essential oil candle thing on the evening of the first time it happened, I wouldn't be so concerned about it being a smell.   Maybe it was just an odd timing of things.   I am going to finish off the shampoo I have, but still order the Espee to try -- honestly, I've never used anything but Buddy Wash, so it will be interesting to try something new. 
    I appreciate no one telling me I was crazy trying to make the connection between these things.  I figure if pine can set a dog off, then why not other strong scents? And the usual - every dog is different.  So, thanks for listening to me - I really needed that.  And thanks for the suggestions - it is so good to be able to 'bounce' things off of other people who you know care about this stuff.  I'm still not totaly convinced it's not related to essential oil somehow, but I'm more open to it just being idiopathic at this point. 
    Thanks again,  you guys are great!
    • Bronze

    If you have oily or acne-prone skin, choosing the right soap is crucial. colloidal silver soap is an excellent choice for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces oil buildup without over-drying, leaving your skin refreshed and balanced after each wash.