Loss of Appetite and coughing after Spaying

    • Puppy

    Loss of Appetite and coughing after Spaying

    My dog got spayed this past Tuesday, so about 3 days ago and she seems to be drowsy a lot,she has no appetite to eat but I hear her stomach growling, and she's coughing. I am worried, I don't know if this is normal and if so how long will it last or what can I do to make her feel better.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi, some dogs react differently to anesthesia, please, please call your vet it could be she is just recovering slowly, but I wouldn't take any chances. I would call your vet to be safe.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Michele is absolutely right -- the coughing could simply be a result of an airway used during surgery OR it could be something more heinous -- don't let it go -- call the vet and have the dog checked.