My pointer/lab mix has been "huffing", maybe, or panting… i'm not sure what to call it! It's a loud noise, and you can see her cheeks suck in and out. The noise sounds like it's from deep in her throat and not just a cough. She makes about 10 of these "huffs" in a row, sucking hard in and out. Sometimes she will do this many times during the day, and sometimes it's only once a day or once a week. It's not exercise induced, she does it in the middle of the night, while lying on the sofa, sometimes when we play with her when she's on her back, when she's walking around she'll do it, or when she's sitting just looking around. I'm not sure what asthma sounds like in a dog, but i've considered that… just wondering if anyone, based off of these unhelpful clues, could give me any ideas