Posted : 4/9/2012 12:59:31 PM
I know silly name but ....
it is provided by the CAPC
About CAPC
Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) is an independent council of
veterinarians, veterinary parasitologists, and other animal health care
professionals established to create guidelines for the optimal control
of internal and external parasites that threaten the health of pets and
people. It brings together broad expertise in parasitology, internal
medicine, public health, veterinary law, private practice, and
association leadership.
Initially convened in 2002, CAPC was formed with the express purpose of
changing the way veterinary professionals and pet owners approach
parasite management. The CAPC advocates best practices for protecting
pets from parasitic infections and reducing the risk of zoonotic
parasite transmission. The council has four major objectives:
adoption of practices and procedures to protect pets from infections by parasites;
adoption of practices and procedures to reduce the risk of
transmission of zoonotic (transmittable from animals to humans)
parasites from pets to people;
collaboration among pet owners, veterinarians, and physicians to control infections by parasites; and
collaboration with other groups that share the common interests of parasite control and animal and human health.