Ugh. Baily had a small "scratch" on one rear leg that he wouldn't leave alone. A couple days later it had developed into a bigger "wound". Off to the vet we go. We get antibiotics for the owie and she also gives Baily a once over. He had lost 10 pounds since the last visit He was very handsome and friendly and cute... ! She took a peek in his mouth and discovered what she called a "chipped" tooth. One of his rear molars on the top right side. She said the root might be exposed and recommended another vet who specializes in dentistry stuff.
Baily and I went to see that guy this morning. He found that he actually has a "crown fracture" of the second to the last molar on BOTH sides !
He is recommending a root canal on each tooth as the best long term course of action.
Good news is that Baily is not the least bit bothered right now. No hesitation to chew on his favorite things. No pain response at the vets exam. He has no idea his toofers are busted.
Does anybody have experience with this sort of thing ? I'm pretty sure we will go forward with the procedure. Glad we got that insurance policy for him !
Thanks for the help !