Misty got shampoo in her eye

    • Gold Top Dog

    Misty got shampoo in her eye

    Or shall I say, the groomer got it in there. She was pawing at it and rubbing it, so I have done three eyewashes (1 saline, 2 regular water), but now she can barely hold it open and it's tearing up. I am wondering if she scratched it when she was pawing at it. I am going to do one more eyewash (went and bought the emergency eyewash kit) before bed, and I gave her 1 benadryl in some cheese just in case there was a reaction to the soap. Any other advice??  If she still looks like this in the morning, I will call the vet. If I have to have her seen, I would really like to not have to pay for the visit myself, since it was the groomer's fault in the first place....don't know how that will pan out though.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Eye stuff is always critical -- you can't wait for the groomer to volunteer to pay .. sort that out later (and get the vet's bill in your hand) but getting to the vet in the morning is probably Job #1 -- you're right -- the dog could have scratched the cornea easily. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    I assume the er kit you bought had boric acid? That is my go-to after saline. The vet is a great idea as they can stain and check it out.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Personally, I would stop washing it... once is plenty. The water will definately irritate it more then help at this point. I'd put a cone her to stop her from bothering it and add some eye lubricating drops for dry eye and then leave her alone for a while and let the irritation subside. If it gets worse you'll have to have her checked for a scratch due to her rubbing at it.