Posted : 11/14/2011 7:36:11 PM
Ask your vet how long till the vaccine has time to build the immunity. Many take a few weeks to be effective so vaccinating at this point may not help.
Absolutely what she said. When we got Charlie down here on Pet Airways they *stressed* to please NOT just get a vaccine on your way to drop the dog off - not just because immunity is definitely not built that quickly, but because the dogs shed the virus in their *** for a couple of weeks after the shot to vax done without enough time for immunity to form and the body to respond can put other dogs at risk too.
You may want to call your boarding facility to see how *they* feel.
I have no clue if it's a live vaccine or not -- probably is. So if it gives them a mild case of the flu while they are building immunity that might alter your decision. Your vet should be able to tell you what's best for him.