nevermind - delete

    • Gold Top Dog

    nevermind - delete

    nevermind!  figured it out

    • Gold Top Dog

    for those of us who got it via email-starting-thread now you've got me completely curious.  What the heck was it?

    • Gold Top Dog
    LIES! Don't do that! Lol.. I'm too curious for my own good some days.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I thought Pan might have mushroom poisoning because I saw some little ones on the ground where we tracked and then he was drooling for several hours (like his chest was soaked and he had constant strings coming out) but really the culprit was he threw up a chunk of something inedible.  He's done that before, gets really drooly for a while after he heaves up something he shouldn't have eaten (in this case it was a piece of a sock, so we had a chat with DH about not leaving socks where Pan can reach them).

    • Gold Top Dog

     Ahhh - that chat with the husband-person .... **Callie nodding understandingly**

    Thanks for letting us know.  I suffer from the curiosity syndrome too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Basically I was on here in a panic because by the time someone thought of mushrooms as a possible reason for the drooling it was almost 10 hours after he would have been exposed to them, probably too late for anything drastic.  While mulling over calling the animal poison line I was gathering up dog bedding to wash and found the regurgitated sock piece in Pan's crate.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Basically I was on here in a panic because by the time someone thought of mushrooms as a possible reason for the drooling it was almost 10 hours after he would have been exposed to them, probably too late for anything drastic.  While mulling over calling the animal poison line I was gathering up dog bedding to wash and found the regurgitated sock piece in Pan's crate.

    LOL! Maze sez: Pan! No eating socks... It works better if you bury them in the backyard