Spinal Surgery

    • Gold Top Dog

    How tall is he? How deep is YOUR bathtub? If you talk to his regular vet, and discuss how to do it safely, you may be able to do it at home.

    • Puppy

    Gwenie:  I'm so sorry for all you two are going through.  I know it's so very hard to keep the faith day after day.  We want big steps, but we get tiny little, erratic ones.  Neurological healing takes time and can be painfully slow.  But it sure seems like a very good sign that he could balance himself like this,     

    • Gold Top Dog

    Agree, keep the faith. I've done a fair amount of studying on back issues and it takes time to heal.

    BTW, somewhat related--my dog had her hip replaced and it was a very long (and I mean long) recovery time. I felt so lonely sometimes because the schedule for both dogs was difficult to maintain and I hardly ever socialized. But it turned out OK (and I think your girl will too) and I made it through that time. I did a few easy home improvement projects and organization projects to help me not go insane.