Weepy eyes, but haven't always been that way

    • Gold Top Dog

    Weepy eyes, but haven't always been that way

    I noticed especially on the post about his birthday, that Kota has not always had weepy eyes.  He never had goop or anything coming from his eyes when he was younger and this has crept up on me and I never think to ask the vet about it. Do dogs' eyes get more goopy over the years? I have to clean the gunk off frequently or it builds up into crusty bits.   It's black in color and moist at first but will dry into crusty bits. Both eyes have it and the eyes otherwise look fine.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Our one older cat has gotten more eye boogers as he's gotten older, mainly because he sleeps more, almost all the time!

    Cleo only gets eye boogers when she has been DIGGING...lol. My hounds get them seasonally (spring).

    Perhaps there's a small growth on the lid or an eyelash turned in now that the facial muscle/skin tone is more loose? Might just have a vet peek to rule those things out.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I will do that then. He definitely sleeps more than he used to and I've noticed his eyes looking watery too.  Do you think dogs can cry?  As in shed tears because of pain not because they're necessarily "sad"?

    • Gold Top Dog

    IME no...I've not ever had that happen. Most dogs experiencing pain tend to clamp down and be stiff or tremble and such, but I've never seen tears.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Bean cries real tears, when she's hurt or sad. I am told that this is common in Cresteds, but they also sweat. Their anatomy is a little different. I would say it's possible, but if he's crusty, something is probably irritating him.

    • Gold Top Dog

     When Maska got really sick, he had all kinds of things that looked like allergies -  Now that I think back on it, I really think it was because his immune system was weakened.  As a young dog he didn't have eye goop or skin problems.

    • Gold Top Dog


     I will do that then. He definitely sleeps more than he used to and I've noticed his eyes looking watery too.  Do you think dogs can cry?  As in shed tears because of pain not because they're necessarily "sad"?

    Allergies -- even just mild allergies can do that -- you can put Hypo Tears in their eyes (or similar) -- and I like Similisan's Allergy eye drops for the dogs -- or their Dry Eye drops -- whichever you think.  They're homeopathic but widely available -- even a lot of grocery stores here carry them.  And their Pink Eye formula keeps ME out of trouble (I get allergy-related conjunctivitis all the time).

    If he's in pain he'll be tense -- check the scruff of his neck - it's the place that usually they will first demonstrate pain.  It will get "tight" when he's hurting.  Even on a walk -- if you keep track of the scruff it will tell you when he first starts overdoing it.