Posted : 12/15/2010 3:10:10 PM
I completely understand not wanting to spend the extra money -- but if I can play the "old broad" card -- I wish I could tell you how many times I've kicked myself in the butt LATER for never having taken the opportunity (or MADE the opportunity) to have a full panel drawn "on a healthy dog".
Because whether you need it in 6 months or 6 years knowing THEN what was "normal" for this dog when he was healthy? You never do. When his ALT and AST cross the line to "high" later on -- is it BAD or has it always been thus?
Even as recently as we got Tink -- and we spent a LOAD of money on her when we got her (and you remember that, I know) ... but we never did a blood panel (cos we didn't want to spend the extra money)
but a year later when she still didn't completely resolve from the demodex and then we did bloodwork and found WOW -- the ALT and AST were *very* high -- errr ... was it recent? was it something she's going to be prone to? was it wrong??
David and I now have a new "rule" -- everbuddy's gonna get bloodwork occasionally. A newbie is GONNA get bloodwork. Just plain **because**.
Simply because later on you can't ever capture that moment again.
And ... there ARE the times when that "healthy dog" really has something borderline going on that it would have been REALLY nice to have known about earlier. And it would have cost a whole lot less had we known earlier and just been able to "monitor" it than to have had to gone thru a ton of diagnostic crap later on.
He's six. He is now officiall a "senior". To be perfectly honest? I'd get bloodwork done and have the vet highlight it as "senior". IN fact, if you ask them MOST vets/labs run a senior "special" -- and it may not cost a bunch less but it may include other stuff that will be nice to know (like a full urinalisys -- Antech's senior panel includes a bunch of stuff like that). It's mostly a full panel with a couple of exceptions but you will at least have a baseline on a healthy dog.
Yeah -- Merry Christmas Rupert!
Will he die without it? No. But I'd hate to spend $13 and essentially have it be wasted than the $60 and have it really tell you something solid (and frankly a panel 12 is probably something your vet is doing in-house anyway so there may not be much of a "deal" there)
I'd raise the issue of his age and discuss with your husband what you can do. Like I said -- he's not going to be desperate without it -- but it could provide a big answer sometime in the future. But that's simply you learning at the expense of my hard-earned mistakes.