Posted : 12/8/2010 2:16:08 PM
Are they doing a *caught* sample or an aspirate? You typically can't do a culture without a 'sterile draw' (meaning either they have to do a tube inserted up thru the urethra OR they have to use a long needle and withdraw the urine directly from the bladder) because otherwise you don't know where the bacteria "came from". Neither procedure is hugely painful but neither one is at all pleasant
They would also typically do a "culture and sensitivity" NOT just a 'culture" -- a culture simply says what's there -- the sensitivity tells you if you're using the right drug to KILL whatever is there.
Next comment -- I NEVER EVER EVER "hide" pills. Look -- these are DOGS. They have noses **and** jacobsen's organs that make our meager sense of smell almost ridiculous in comparison. Don't think for even one nanosecond that they don't know there is something "in" that goodie. And if they think you ARE just trying to "hide" something -- think like a dog for a second. This is BETRAYAL. She's trying to FOOL me -- it's NOT a treat."
This diminishes your relationship with the dog -- you **TRAIN** them -- You show them that you're putting the pill in whatever. And you say "just swallow" and you show them that you've got another wad of goodie to follow after.
But then you also train "chew GOOD" -- with a strip of steak or a long piece of hot dog -- you let them nibble on it while you repeat "chew chew CHEW GOOD BOY!!!!"
Then you continue to train -- whether it's with a vitamin or whatever. So the dog begins to TRUST you. I said to Billy last night "This is your medicne -- it's NASTY (I made a face) so JUST SWALLOW!! Then you get more butter" Right after that I gave him a treat he could CHEW and I said "THIS is yummy -- chew good!!"
This increases the relationship -- it works -- truly really it DOES
Remember, I've had many dogs with HUGE physical problems - and yet they all take medicine ANY time. They take it happily. Cos they know Mom's got their back