Thatcher's butt...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thatcher's butt...

    So, he never ever rubs his butt across the floor. He's done it twice since I got home this morning at about 7. He had some treats but only ate about half his kibble... is this something I should wait and see if he's just got an itchy butt and too many training treats or do I need to get a vet appointment as soon as possible? I am NOT going to express his glands myself, lol. And I'm just worried that if I wait it'll get worse over the weekend as my vet's closed on Sunday.


    Ugh and now my family's saying that Hap might have arthritis (although I don't really see that one). Can't we all just be healthy for a little while?!?!

    • Gold Top Dog

    It sounds like his anal glands need to be expressed.

    I doubt that him not finishing his kibble has anything to do with his "itchy butt."  If you're using treats to train, make sure that you are cutting his kibble to accomdate.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Anal glands was my fist thought also. Sometimes mites or allergies might cause an itchy rear end but most likely the glands are the reason. They really are not that difficult to express but I can understand why it may seem a bit awkward. I use to have to express Gizmo's monthly for a while because she had one rupture, it was a horrible experience but thankfully they are back to normal now.

    Most dogs would be fine but for his confront it's better to get it done sooner then later. If you call a vet they might even be able to take him in as a walk in because it's rather simple and fast if that's all he needs. Also if you wait too long he may end up expressing them himself on your carpet with the butt rubbing he's doing! Not a pleasant smell.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I absolutely agree - anal glands.

    I'd go to the vet if you're unwilling to do his glands yourself.  *understanding smile*


    1.  They can spontaneously "express" themselves and if you're unwilling to DO that trust me -- the mess you have to clean up ain't fun. LOL

    2.  You said he didn't eat all his kibble -- how unusual is that?  There is a SMALL tiny chance that this isn't anal glands -- but rather that he's obstructed and thus far just constipated and queasy.  But an obstruction is tough to find until it's been long enough for the intestines to back up TO the stomach -- food can't exit the gut and it makes them nauseus and soon they'll puke everything they eat.  Depending on how far along the intestines the obstruction is they may cease to poop before OR after they're sick to their stomach.

    You're relatively inexperience but you've got a GOOD sense of "sensibility" as I've seen ... but given it's a long time til Monday and e-vets are expensive, a trip to the vet today could rule out an obstruction -- if his glands are NOT full and he exhibits ANY queasiness the vet can advise you.

    This is one of those times that a vet visit won't be wasted in ANY event ... and it could save you to go now rather than later. 

     (and Callie's also gonna mumble -- after I paid to have MY dog's glands expressed a couple of times I decided to learn to do it ... not pretty but cheaper! LOL)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks everyone. I felt kind of silly mentioning the kibble BUT... Thatcher LOVES to eat. Like as we soon as I put the food down he starts munching away. It's really unusual for him NOT to finish. He finally finished eating his first meal of the day, so I'm going to keep an eye on him for tonight and take him to the vet first thing in the morning if it doesn't magically get better.

    I have a wicked gag reflex and supposedly the smell's awful so I dunno if I would ever be able to do it myself.... although thanks to him being so sick when we first got him and not being housetrained, I've gotten better at dealing with doggy gross-ness, lol.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, Jewel is really pain sensitive, and she's a food whore. If her anal glands need to be done, she will act queasy and not eat her dinner. That's the first thing I check, because I can fix it so fast.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is it odd that I really want to know what sort of spam hedi thought was a good fit for this topic? Lol.

     Also, Thatcher was fine after that first day, no problems since. Not sure if he managed to take care of it while he was outside without me noticing or if he just felt unusually itchy that day. Hap's eyes are still getting slightly red, but we started applying the medicine as needed and haven't had to apply it too much. Hopefully with winter it'll finish clearing up.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It was nutzoid -- absolutely no relevance whatsoever to this post at all -- drivel going on and on about a TV show -- it was a spam robot I'd guess.  She posted 4-5 things all at the same time.  With a ton of embedded links.  Pure nasty spam.