Posted : 9/10/2010 2:07:44 PM
I'm a bit surprised at Flagyl for this ... hmmm. Flagyl is an antibiotic but usually used for tummy woes, not any sort of anal infection.
I'm going to guess a couple of things.
Since it was during a storm -- I have to wonder if she got startled/scared in her sleep and the anal glands leaked But *also* it could also (at the same time) caused her to lose urine. HOWEVER, the fistula is worrisome -- I'd want to know how far that opens inward -- if infection is coming out from there that could be an entirely different thing.
UTI's in older dogs can look different. They can literally simply wind up causing a whole systemic type malaise -- or an infection that affects other organs. AND they can suddenly drink more -- discovering that the more they drink the less the UTI 'burns'. Then suddenly they've drunk enough where they can't hold it and you get an 'event' like a storm and it could easily startle her enough so she leaked both anal fuid *and* urine. And if she had drunk a LOT then the urine may be virtually odorless and colorless.
If it were me I'd have her at the vet and I'd want a full urinalysis (and a culture & sensitivity on any infection that showed up so they know exactly WHAT drug they need to use to clear it up) and I'd probably also ask them to express the anal glands and culture that (to see if there is bacteria).
The problem is -- they can be two completely different types of bacteria -- the urine bacteria may be anaerobic (doesn't need oxygen to live) and the anal sac infection could well be aerobic. It's not uncommon anymore for them to use two different antibiotics for such stuff.
A culture and sensitivity isn't cheap -- usually about $90 but otherwise you can wind up with something going on several months, several vet visits, several rounds of antibiotics that don't work and you can suddenly be into this for hundreds of dollars with no resolution and a dog who is miserable.
Now if it were me I'd have them crated -- that's the magic of a crate. If someone is sick you know *who*, and they aren't getting into stuff. Not everyone agrees on crating, but just knowing for sure which dog to treat can be a big deal.
You may want to put a mattress cover on or at the very least put whatever she lies on in a pillow slip and put a folded trash bag UNDER it inside the pillow slip so it absorbs what she does but it's going to be contained.
Poor gal --she probably feels miserable.