Tasha developed an injury on the bottom of her hind foot, in between the pads. In order to keep her from licking it so it could heal, I put a dog boot on that foot. That was fine and dandy, until I took it off and it had rubbed a raw spot on the side of her foot. Now she has made that raw spot twice as big with licking and I can't figure out a good way to wrap it. I put gauze and tape on it the day before and when I took it off to change it, it had stuck to the wound and the area looked worse than before! So yesterday I got some better tape and put neosporin, then gauze, then taped her foot again, but it seems to hurt her... or is worse than the previous taping... or her foot just hurts period....
Any recommendations on wrapping a foot? The sore is on the side of her foot and she tends to carry that leg up instead of using it now. In my stupid attempts to help, I've made it worse! She had already gone to the vet for the bottom of her foot and she was on 3 days of an anti-inflammatory, I would prefer to keep it clean and wrapped then have her put on antibiotics if she doesn't need them. And I'd rather wrap her foot than put a cone on her.