So...we've been battling hotspots with Molson since August/September. We've changed foods, tried medications (prescription a topica's from the vet), and keep him buzzed down. Last night at Pet Supplies Plus a women was there with her senior Golden. What a sweet, sweet dog. Anyway, we just started talking and I mentioned how we've been at war with hotspots. Her dog has major allergies too, and she asked if I ever tried Sulfodene. Nope, never even heard of it. Well, we bought a bottle of the stuff, it was very inexpensive ($5), and it looks like a yellow oil. We put a little on Molson's hotspots last night when we got in and when we got up this morning- I swear it was like Christmas morning, lol- we checked the spots out and they weren't red at all. We put a little more on this morning and tonight his skin already looks SO MUCH BETTER and he hasn't even tried itching at all. He actually seems- *gasp*- comfortable.
Honestly, I'm completely ecstatic over this. I've never been more relieved- I've felt so bad for poor Mo for (it seems like) forever.
OH! I totally forgot to update my other anal issue thread...well, turns out poor Molson had a hotspot under his tail which we didn't see because he does have fur there (it's above his butt in that tiny area of skin) and he was itching that, not his butt, but all the itching and chewing and scooting had irritaed his butt. His glads thus far are fine (knock on wood).