Signature spaces are a great
place for pictures, the name(s) of your pet(s), a quote you like -
things that can give other members an idea of who you are, and what
you're about.
Signatures are NOT an appropriate place to
disparage or insult the methods or philosophies of another member or members, nor
are they the place for offensive material including, but not limited
to, racism and profanity.
A signature is part of every post
made, and there will no longer be a distinction between signatures and
posts. If a signature contains material that should not be there,
there will be no request from a member of staff to remove it.
It will be removed and the member in question contacted afterwards.
there are any questions or if clarification is needed, please contact
me privately. Public discussion of this is not needed, as it is
non-negotiable. I am frankly saddened that this even needs to be