Posted : 3/5/2008 10:09:55 AM
Jr. Dog Expert
Would you be against or for madatory spay/neutring?
Completely against.
Mandating this is un-enforceable. Are you going to hire the "Testicle and Uterus" police force?
Secondly, working dogs and performance dogs sometimes take up to 3 years to be completely trained and to come into their own. To eliminate their genes from the gene pools is a waste.
Thirdly, the massive amount of hereditary diseases we see in dogs now is a result of an ever shrinking gene pool.
Fourth, there is no excuse for irresponsible ownership. I know plenty of breeders that have NOT had an "oops" litter, despite being in the dog hobby for 40 or more years. If proper precautions are taken, an "oops" litter will occur very, very rarely.
Fifth, why punish responsible owners because of the actions of irresponsible owners? It makes no sense.
Sixth, there are certain breeds in which reproductive homogeneity is rampant and within those breeds there is a very limited stock available on this continent. Limiting the gene pool further serves only to create more of a condition for hereditary conditions to become dominant and thus more apparent in subsequent generations. Yet if one were to breed to older, proven stock those same conditions could remain recessive, and possibly eliminated.