Eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away, a proverb that reminds you of health, right? But, what about keeping a pet for a day?

Yes, Pets too keep the doctor away. (but keep eating apples :p)

Owing a pet have a lot to do with your health. Check how pets can do wonders and boost your well-being.

And if you don't have any pet, then this article is for you guys.  

1. Keeping animals reduces stress. Do you know this?

I have heard of massage that reduces stress. But, a pet?

Yes, it do! Check how.....

When you are around your pet, your body releases oxytocin, a stress releasing hormone associated with emotional bonding.

I think you get to know something surprising, right? Me too :)

Pets are highly recommendable to those who have a stressful life, with work-loads, commitments and deadlines to finish.

When you come from office with a stressful mind and you see your pet cuddling you. All stress releases and body relaxed! (It's what I feel :))

Even you will feel the same when you have a pet.   

2. Several surveys concluded : "Pets boost your overall well-being."

Survey at National Pet show of Birmingham revealed astonishing facts. Check what it concluded.

  • 98% of the owners believe that having a pet makes their  life well-being.

  • 96% of the children living in pet owned house enjoys happier and healthier life.

Pets have a huge impact on our health. Yes, its true!

3. Pets are allergy fighters. This is something shocking, right?

Popular myth about pets: Allergy prone families must avoid pets.

But it is just a myth. Reality speaks something else.

Famous pediatrician from University of Wisconsin-Madison, Gern analyzed babies blood after birth and after one year.

The study came up with the fact that..

Having a pet reduces child's likelihood of developing related allergies by 33%.

Rather the study concluded that children exposed to animals has much stronger immune system.

4. Pets minimize risk of several deadly disease. (But consult your doctor if already infected)

Let's check what other studies came up with the conclusion.

  • American society for microbiology suggested that dust from dog owing house protect against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV, a virus that increases asthma risk.

  • Study at American general of Cardiology came up with the conclusion that owing a pet make heart's capability to adapt any number of situation that can affect your body.

- And I am sure you don't know this:
 Dog helps to detect cancer.

 Shocked? But, it's the study that says. Check it below.

And many other studies (which I haven't listed) shows how your pets helps in making you healthy.

 Owe a dog and keep yourself healthy. (don't skip your exercise :p)

5. Pet's are mans best friend. Check why.......

Owing a dog means having a best friend always by your side. Because pets...

  • Lift your mood
  • Ease the sense of loneliness or isolation
  • Enhance social connectedness
  • Great Companion
  • Reduces depression

At last, it gives you unconditional love that you can't even expect from human being.

So much your pet do for you. What about you? What you give them in return.

If you ask me, I love my dog like anything. And so I...

  • Spend lot of time with my Dugu. (my dog's name)
  • Take him for an outing. (he loves a car ride :))
  • Give him a regular exercise
  • Regular check-up because pets are on a risk of diabetes danger.

Even I have hired professional who is expert in dog walking training services. Such training sessions boost behavioral and intellectual power of your pet. Highly recommendable!

But, only hire such professionals who are proficient in dog walking business.

What you do for your pet? (if you have) Write it below on comments so it help those pet-owners who haven't even cared about their lovely pets.