Dogs of all breeds, shapes and sizes bring immeasurable joy into our lives. These creatures are members of our families, as well as, benefits to society. There are hundreds of millions of pet owners around the world with dogs. These terrific pets are not only known for their love and care of family members. They are often associated with scent detection activities.Because of these valuable skills and abilities, there are dogs that work internationally in various segments of society. Law enforcement, however, is the top employer of dogs that are expert in scent detection. These skills are valuable to activities, such as, locating drugs, bombs, fugitives, cadavers, mold and even mice.Experts in various areas of medicine have found that scent detection is important. Dogs have been instrumental as it relates to detecting illness. For this reason, ongoing study has played a role for new uses of these skills. There are training methods that allow dogs to better use their abilities. These can be used by owners or special trainers with expertise in these areas.Health BenefitsOrganizations like the InSitu Foundation have discovered the importance of dog scent detection. This foundation focuses on how this ability impacts the detection of cancer. Their findings show that 88% of cases of early cancer signs can be detected by dogs with specificity. This is one of the critical ways that this ability is enhancing the study for not only cures but detection options.Through the work at InSitu Foundation, those with cancer will be impacted. This is especially true as it relates to those who are unaware of their condition. Applications through the Food and Drug Administration are in effect currently. These applications, if approved, will be for canine medical scent detection kits for cancer.Law EnforcementK-9 units are very important as it relates to not only catching fugitives but solving crimes, as well. There are various agencies that utilize dogs in this way. These departments are serious when it comes to training these dogs. Regular training is important depending on the activities that these dogs are expected to perform.Training equipment, such as, narcotics kits, scent boxes, and explosive kits are used. Dogs are paired with officers who are familiar with their abilities. At the same time, these officers know how to treat and care for their partners. These dogs use their scent detection techniques around the world to benefit law enforcement agencies.Pest RemovalThere are more and more businesses these days that are used for removing pests like mice from homes. Many of these businesses use traditional detection processes. Dogs provide a more detailed ability when it comes to detecting pests. Those with specific training are especially productive to this work. The World Detector Dog Organization or WDDO is focused on providing assistance for owners with dogs that work in detection.This is an organization that also helps with information about certifications. Bed bugs have become one of the most recent pests that are making headlines. Dogs using their expert scent detection skills can pinpoint the location of these pests. This is one of the reasons that removal businesses are benefitting from dogs trained in this area.Hunting ActivitiesThere are many dog breeds that are associated with the sport of hunting. These dogs are used for retrieval, as well as, pinpointing hunting areas. Training your dog in this way can be done professionally. Trainers work with dogs on different types of scents, as well as, techniques to use their skills. Experts have noted that dogs benefit from participating in these activities.Some have said that hunting increases the dog’s overall confidence. At the same time, the dog is using its own natural abilities in an outdoor setting. There are aids used with dogs for hunting. Certain scents may be focused on more so than others. This will depend on what exactly is being hunted and where these activities are taking place.Homeland SecurityIn recent years, the detection of explosives has become more and more important. This is certainly paramount as it relates to homeland security. National and international agencies around the world are focusing on providing this type of security. Dogs have served as one of the most valuable assets for finding explosives.They receive targeted training on how to detect these materials. Dogs that are trained can not only detect devices that are fully functional. They are instrumental to finding parts of materials that are used for explosives or bombs. These are important and complex abilities that showcase the value of K9 workers in these areas.The composition of a dog’s nose plays a role in how they are able to detect scents. Their noses are bony and separated into two distinct chambers. Dogs are able to smell volatile oils as they travel through the air or by sniffing the ground. This detailed and vital sensation allows dogs to exhibit a more keen ability than many other animals and humans.
Christopher Rollox Works as a dog trainer. He loves to write and share his knowledge on Dog Training. Whenever he has the time he reads books, travels in the city and dining out with his wife.