Posted : 6/12/2008 5:51:48 PM
If you search you will find people who's dogs and cats have suffered from the use of these products,hair loss,seizures,central nervous system damage and even death
Which are all labeled side effects of improper use. Those drugs, like any other, have proper uses, and certain ways things NEED to be done.
I've had a flea problem with my cats - and I never want to go through that again. I've always used advantage, and will continue to do so. I have back up products in case that fails. My dog has severe allergies, and I DO NOT want fleas in my house again. If your dog never gets fleas, than that is great for you. Mine do, and I choose to medicate. My animals have no suffered hair loss, death, siezures, or any of those things mentioned - because I use the product correctly.