Posted : 1/29/2008 6:19:43 PM
I really where I live. We have 2 official dog parks, one having trails, woods, a lake to swim in, etc. there's several unofficial dog parks too - one is on MSU campus where MSU has granted doggy rights to a certain area throughout the year. Many people opt for this location when the dog parks get too muddy or too crowded.
There is a great agility club here. We have the best vet school around (MSU), a dog friendly email group for people to email dog events going on throughout our area and beyond, you can also find local dog walkers, groomers and so on within this email group. We have many free (to everyone) rabies clinics and low cost ($6-$10) micro chippings every year run the county animal control (they do an event like this every 3 months or so). there's several special doggy shops (boutiques, doggy ice cream shops, doggy home made treat stores, etc) and just a ton of nature preserves and parks to hike trails.
It's a great place to live for dogs imo.