Posted : 1/18/2008 4:13:35 AM
Well, if the cat isn't doing much, or is walking, my dogs don't care much about it. However, if that cat gets afraid then the dogs will chase it. Zel basically ignores cats no matter what though, our smallest cat is bigger than him. :P
We have four cats, so its interesting to see how the various cats react around the dogs. If both the cat and the dog are already outside/inside then there usually tends to be apathy. But if we are letting the dogs and cats going different ways through a door, thats the main time a cat will run. Lilly, a cat which was literally born in a barn, runs 100% of the time. On the inverse, Gray Kitty is very lazy, and very not afraid of dogs, she has never been chased. The other two, it depends on their moods I guess.
Also, this topic got me thinking, all of the Cats my family owns are female and all of our dogs are male. Never noticed that before.