
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog


    In a world where it is allowed, would you keep your dog off leash in public? Or would it be a bad idea? Discuss!

    • Silver

    my dogs are great off-leash. of course I would keep mine off , its other peoples dogs that would worry me...

    • Gold Top Dog

    No, probably not in public places.  Too many variables that I couldn't control. Also, some people don't appreciate a dog approaching them.  Yes, believe it or not some people aren't dog people and I wouldn't expect them to be thrilled to have my dogs running up to them  no matter how friendly my dogs are.  

    • Puppy

    I have to agree with Jackie. Too many variables to allow the dog off lead in a public area. My Rosie  is the friendliest dog you could meet but as Jackie says not everyone appreciates a bulldog running  up to them even if she is just saying hello.