Opinions needed

    • Gold Top Dog

    Opinions needed

     So I'm gonna have a party for Simba for his birthday and since it's close to halloween...I thought maybe I'd make it a costume party as well? For the dogs and people. What are your thoughts on it?


    Also I had this idea where Simba would wear this: http://www.buycostumes.com/Prisoner-Dog-Pet-Costume/6897/ProductDetail.aspx and I'd try to find a police officer costume that didn't reveal like everything. o.o


    Hopefully this is the right place for this...

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think costumes are fun but some dogs don't do well with them.  Gizmo does alright with them but other dogs I know will have the costume off and ripped to shreds in a matter of seconds. Also people wearing costumes tend to confuse some dogs.  I've heard stories of some dog turning on their owners who were wearing a costume because the dog mistook the person for someone/something else. I'm sure there is some good info on dogs and costumes, the do's and don't's of it all.  I would just be very cautious of having a party involving pets and unfamiliar surrounds like you find during Halloween.

    I don't know if anyone remembers Gizmo's pumpkins costume...


    Before that I tried making her a wizard hat and cape but about 2 min. into wearing it outside she lost the cape in the bushes and distroyed the hat.

    This was the last I saw of that costume as she was running out the door with it on:

    • Gold Top Dog

     Ack yeah that is a good point. My first dog was a big sweetie but as soon as my dad took out his werewolf mask he turned into kujo. Plus now that I think about it, if they want to play they could tear up their costumes and such.


    Those costumes are adorable though! 


    I can still have the birthday party halloween related I'll just skip the costumes. Too bad I thought it was a cute idea but you have good points.