Pomeranian <3

Question for all of you.... Do you think it is "fair" to be stricter about "releasing/selling/giving" a dog away? (i.e. home checks, etc)??

I say yes... I look at dogs like family/children/true companion. 


In an ideal world every dog born would have a forever home. Every dog would be perfectly training, fed the healthiest, high quality food made, groomed daily, exercised adequately, be with their owners 24/7 and afforded every medical intervention regardless of cost or personal sacrifice. 

Maybe I'm just old and pessimistic but we don't live in an ideal world and never will. I see all the dogs sitting in shelters, some for months, years or their whole lives. Lot's of people IMO can offer these dogs a 'good' home - but not an ideal home. The more restrictions you put on people wanting dogs the more dogs are going to be left without homes. There are standards already in place to screen out 'bad' owners. Do you really think making them stricter is in the best interest of the dogs?

There was a gentleman down the street from me who was elderly and had some health issues. He was retired on a limited fixed income. He had not owned a dog since he was a very young man. On a trip out west to see his son he became aware of a 10yr old BC who had recently lost his owner and was heading to the local pound. He shipped the dog back to Toronto and probably saved his life. This dog had 4 years with this gentleman until sadly the man passed away last month. I know the dog ate supermarket kibble, had limited exercise and had a serious medical situation arose I doubt very much that the finances would have been there for the dog. In all likely hood had the same man tried to adopt this dog from the shelter he would have been refused. 

My point is, although we should always strive to ensure that dogs are placed (given/sold) with owners like yourself Pomeranian who have unlimited time and resources to offer their dog, by being too strict be are not only denying the potential owners but we are inadvertently denying  the dog a chance at a "good" or "better" life - if not ideal.