Run Free Sweet Shadow

Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge is the theme of a work of poetic prose written some time between 1980 and 1992, whose original creator is unknown. The theme is of an other-worldly place to which a pet goes upon its death, eventually to be reunited with its owner.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Run Free Sweet Shadow

    On Thursday, August 22nd, Shadow joined Thor, Sheba and Tyler at the Rainbow Bridge.

    Shadow acted like his normal, goofy self.  He was eating well, eliminating just fine, and always up for a jaunt.  That morning he declined breakfast which is totally not Shadow.  When I stopped home around 12:30 I bumped him with the door coming into the house.  I apologized, we had a brief conversation and he headed for Ryan's room.  Ryan found him, around 3:30, dead in his crate.  Apparently he went in there, laid down for a nap and went to the Bridge.

    We love and miss you Shadow.  Run free.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am sorry to hear this free fella.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Run free Shadow.  Sorry to hear about your loss Glenda.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ((( Glenda ))) I'm so sorry for your loss. If he was very old, maybe it was a heart attack?  Run free Shadow.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Glenda, I'm so sorry to hear of Shadow's passing.  Hugs to all of you.  Run free, Shadow.  You will have many familiar faces to greet you at the Bridge.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh Glenda -- I am SO sorry.  *hugs*  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Glenda I dont know how I missed this   I am so sorry to hear about your Shadow.

    Run Free Shadow

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