Posted : 5/3/2010 7:51:26 PM
Yes, I am glad that he waited until Jess got home. He seemed to be just fine, even doing great until the week jess arrived. He seemed to let go of his tough guy attitude, like he knew we were going to be ok.
I am actually ok, once we got him buried and planted a purple "twilight serenade" salvia plant on his grave. I found a granite memorial place that is making a small field marker with his name on it. Since we're leaving town on Weds. my mom is picking it up and taking it out to the farm to place on Gobie's grave.
I was truely devastated. Huge sobs. I didn't realize how much in pain he must've been until the vet gave him a tranq to help him be calm for his final shot. He finally relaxed, nothing tense at all. He laid down in my lap and snuggled down. He finally stopped coughing/wretching.
Sweet boy. But, we mustn't feel sorry now, he wouldn't want that. So let's all go pee on trees, scratch off after pooping and have a great time!