Puppy bites

Passion for Paws Dog Training

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    • Gold Top Dog

    Puppy bites

    Hi all, I think most of you have heard about "Garth" our newest member of the family. He is growing so fast and is 14 weeks old today. I know each dog/pup is different but this guy is stubborn as a mule, oh wait......I think mules are not as stubborn. I have tried most of out tried and true tricks on him to keep him from biting mostly me and my feet. Hubby says he thinks I am playing because I am not stern enough when I say no. That maybe so but we have grand children coming in about 6 weeks and I have to get him past this before they get here.

    He is good on leash, sometimes off leash is good. I have tried the diversion method (kong and treat puzzles) that works about 10 min., the discipline method (no! followed by newspaper) , the re-focus method (go out side and play), I have even done the fake cry that hurts method which by the way usually makes him look at me with concern for about 2 seconds.

    This is getting some better but it has taken him way longer than our others pups, or at least what I remember.

    Maybe someone could share their tip with me. He is a large breed pup, Mom is FB, Pyrenees, Dad is PYR & possibly golden or Heeler or both :).

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi, puppies can be nuts no doubt. I have used Baby Ambesol pups hate it, it won't hurt them but use it once or twice and they will soon stop chewing on you and whatever they are chewing on that they shouldn't. You don't need a lot. Try a nice long walk too, that worked for me everytime. Be a tough mom, being tough now will set the guidelines for the future. Start working with him too, simple things like sit and stay, engage his mind as much as you can. It will pass, he is in the prime stage now of the terrible twos. I also would put water in a large tupperware container, put treats in there too and make a large ice cube, my pups loved it. Kept them cool and out of trouble. Please keep me posted on things.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Excellent ideas about the giant ice cube.  I put peanut butter in his kong and freeze it he definitely loves that.  I remember terrible twos with both kids and other pups, either I am getting older (surely that's not it) or he is just more hard headed than all the others.  When I get home from work we play ball or Frisbee which occupies him for a bit.  He is very good at sit but not so good at stay.   I have made a concoction of red pepper and water and put it on a few furniture items he was trying to chew on and that worked well but I don't particularly want to spay my hands and feet with red pepper spray :)  Will check out the ambesol..    

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Great glad to help. Also, practice the recall, when my Rottie was just a baby, 10 weeks old we started working on it. Start in a small space, get really, really high reward treats, nothing really large, I cut up hot dogs very small. When he wasn't paying attention to me I would call him, and when he came to me he got a nice little masage and a treat, sometimes both sometimes just a treat, I always switched it up. Then when I was in the kitchen and he was in the living room I would call him he'd come flying, then after I got that down, we went outside, he was on a long lead line so in case I called him and he got distracted I had a life line. Eventually when he heard his name he came flying. It's a fun game, and it's short spanned for puppy ADD. Please keep me posted.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He comes to his name pretty good, but I will try this on a more consistant schedule to see if we can get it more controlled.