I don't really go into where Steve works much, but he's one of the IT managers for a unique company here, they handle funding and administration for research into sources of clean/renewable energy and green solutions, like wind turbines and electric cars. The company is a partnership between the government and energy companies in the private sector, funded equally by both sides. Steve's boss is the Minister for Science, so all kinds of crazy things go on at his office, weird confidential meetings, a room that can't be bugged....it's all very funny to me.
So I'm just drinking my morning coffee and the phone rings. It's Steve, who says "There are SO MANY cops here right now!" I of course wonder what the heck happened, did they get broken into? Secret research stolen? (This would be majorly bad for Steve, a large part of his job is handling the insane amount of IT security they have in place to keep info confidential.) "Yeah, Gordon Brown (the Prime Minister) is here today. And I didn't wear a tie!" Security service all over the place, bulletproof limos and cop cars in the parking lot, news crews everywhere...and my DH is worried that he didn't wear a tie to work. LMBO.