I had enough of the "I don't understand why..." thread

    • Gold Top Dog

    I had enough of the "I don't understand why..." thread

    so I posted an on topic warning...acknowledged it's been OT...but long enough and the new topic can have it's own thread. I told them further OT not pertaining to the quote from the first post in the thread...will be edited and count towards their strikes.

    Hope that was alright but personally...the DPU is God of rescue stuff can go to a new thread...

    • Gold Top Dog

    DPU edited...see AR...he still managed to argue about my directive to stay OT. Anne was not talking about rescuing dogs...she was talking about people's pets and her training classes and her own frustration. I see no reason why this topic could not be taken to a new thread...anyone have input?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Sorry was walking the pooch.

    I was OK with people carrying on the discussion as was, training and the like, because Anne "withdrew her rant" and thus there was, in effect, no OP to stick to...but agreed that rescue is a different subject and needs to be taken to a different thread.

    • Gold Top Dog

    it was actually getting a bit snippy with the showing of credentials and such...

    I think take it to a new thread sometimes works as well as a lockdown just because someone has to a..start the new thread...b...wait for others to join in. Hopefully that gives them some time to cool down...lol.

    Yes any training stuff is fine but the whole how many have you saved and such is really...OT imo...not to mention nothing more than a peeing contest.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes any training stuff is fine but the whole how many have you saved and such is really...OT imo...not to mention nothing more than a peeing contest.


    Totally agreed. :)

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     I was surprised it was still going - thought it had died

    then when it started to get heated on the new topic of who to rescue I tried to write diffusing posts - to no avail.

    Am VERY glad it should be ending