lmbo @ them trying to

    • Gold Top Dog

    lmbo @ them trying to

    make the Mitt Romney thing fit into the "good guy" box...LOL,...YEAH...this is a dog forum. I'd like to seriously see one of them convice me that strapping a dog in a crate to your roof rack then driving freeway speed, causing it to be so terrified is poops all over itself is NOT mistreating the dog, and not grounds for issuing the perp a "tool" card. heheheeee....

    • Gold Top Dog

     Holy crap.  To the ROOF OF HIS CAR?  That's just...the most insane thing I have ever heard. 

    OK...between you guys, me and the lamppost....I'm just ever so thrilled with the amount of political whining by a group of people who I am willing to BET are not politically active beyond MAYBE voting.  If they all think they can do better, then run for office.  Until then, even if they despise a candidate there should be at least an iota of respect for anyone having the guts to subject themselves to that degree of scrutiny - especially those not capitalising on what their daddy did.  I'm all for people being politically aware and think more people should be, but come up with at least an OPINION of a viable option when slamming everyone else down.  This "all the candidates suck but I don't know what would be better" mentality really, really gets to me.  Decide what would be better and act on it, raise your voice and be heard about what you want in your leaders.  Be the change you want to see in the world, and all that jazz.  

    All general "yous" of course...and I'm ok with all of you completely disagreeing with my little rant.  Freedom of choice, eh?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Aina is seriously deluded..."you people"??

    • Gold Top Dog

     I think she and ISGirl hold similar political viewpoints...and like to make similar sweeping generalisations. 

    I wouldn't let Ben have the runs severe enough that I'd rather have him ON TOP OF THE CAR (sorry still shaking my head) rather than inside it for any longer than it would take to get to a vet...and I'd have him inside the car for that.  Anyone who would not do that, or who supports someone who opted for the turning-a-car-into-a-double-decker-bus choice has a screw loose.