Carla is being persistant on her desire to discuss race on this forum. I am going to say this...
IMO there are tons of forums out there where people can discuss politics, race, religion, sex etc. The idea for THIS forum is, as I understand it, canine based, with NDR being for this that n the other...but always family friendly.
It would be to me...VERY difficult to keep a "frank discussion on race (or abortion, or religion, or politics)" within the realms of family friendly. People WILL get hurt, people WILL get angry, and people WILL put their feet into their mouths. Those are my honest feelings about it.
I don't come to this forum to discuss heavy duty issues as much as chat about dogs and current events, family things, friendly banter, etc. I am also not certain that these types of hot topics fall into the range of what as a company want their buyers to step into when they join.
If I want more hardcore debate...I sure wouldn't indulge on a dog forum.
Them's my thoughts.