Espencer's suspension

    • Gold Top Dog

    Espencer's suspension

    Will begin tomorrow and end on Monday.  I have written to him to let him know, which may mean he will get the urge to cause some trouble tonight. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    THANK YOU.  I truly hope that he will figure out that he needs to act a bit less disrespectfully, not just of us, but of other forum members.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He actually took the news surprisingly well.  I sent him the standard "due to your recent behavior.." and he did write back to ask what behavior, so thought he was going to fight it.  When I told him it was for deleting his own red ink after repeated requests not to, and for being disrespectful when arguing an edit, he owned up to it.  Basically said "yeah, OK, I do that, fair enough".

    He still thinks he's entitled to have his red ink erased by one of us, so I will have a talk with him when he gets back and try to drive home the point that maybe it would be better to try to not get inked at all.   

    • Gold Top Dog

    If he were open to editing when he's pm'd and asked to, that would be his opportunity to avoid red ink.  But once it's there, it's should stay there.  We don't all ALWAYS remember to make a note in the report section that we've done something with a report. And that red ink serves as a notice to the rest of us that one of us has handled a situation. I pm a lot of people to tell them they need to edit.  Not just folks I like or respect, but a lot of folks who have said something snarky and don't get back that kind of crap.  I won't PM him because I get the same crap I get when I edit him and I don't need the frustration and grief.  I don't even care if folks don't have the courtesy to pm back and say whatever....just so long as they remove the offending material.

    I think you need to talk to him about the links too.  He's already looking for ways around posting personal experience.  In the growling thead he "does what the video does" with many dogs not his own and they never go straight to the bite.......he CLAIMS experience that I doubt that he has, and I think that's dangerous when he posts like he knows all there is to know.

    • Gold Top Dog

    No one else is entitled to have their red ink removed, he won't be either.  I will make it clear that any red ink he gets will stay there.  His reason was that he doesn't want people getting a false impression of what he might have said to get edited.  Usually though, the impression's not false....

    I'll take another look at the wording of the personal experience thing.  I changed other wording at their request this morning (anything for a quiet life and it DOES close a problematic loophole) so they can't exactly claim I changed it on the sly. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    You might want to send lostcoyote a friendly email letting him know that his cutesy little symbols to effectively remove red ink are not allowed either.

    Anyone can CLAIM experience that they don't really have if it backs up their hero.  And I wonder if the language barrier is part of the issue with him?  In the growling thread he seems to be claiming that he extinguished the growl for always and forever.  Reading between the lines, I suspect he told a dog not to growl and because it didn't bite him right then, he thinks it's fine.  he's (I think) talking short term, where most of us are talking LONG term.

    As far as red ink goes, I've pretty much started just putting "content deleted" and not adding the violation.  Who the heck hasn't been red inked at one time or another?  It's not that big of a deal once the first red ink flows!