Community Help Center

Community Help Center
Clickers, Health and Puppy Mills
I have 3suggestions. 1. I think Clicker training deserves a section of its own in the training area. 2. I think it would be really good if one of the forums had a sticky about puppy mills and/or bad breeders..... something like "WHAT EVERY PUPPY BUYER SHOULD KNOW". This comes up a lot...
How are you doing?
I am relatively new to this forum and stumbled on it by accident. So far the people have been very inviting, friendly, and welcoming. The discussions are upbeat and fun with no bickering or nastiness that you find in so many chat rooms. I like this site! Just a little positive feedback from a newbie...
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Member Photo Threads
Hi...a suggestion for the threads that have been created for member photos: gather them under one heading and sticky them at the top. I noticed that another forum has them organized like that. This way they will be easily noticed and also not a zillion created...and when the threads get to be too pic...
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I think it would be nice to have a section dedicated just to traveling with your dog. Thanks!
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Locked this down
[link][/link]= I didn't like all the back and forth that was getting was IMO going to get! Of course it was about CM! hehe...if you want to unlock...
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Covering the bases about this thread
[link𻴐]𻴐[/link] Just a heads up that it's locked pending a higher up than me's approval or denial...thanks!
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Member to watch for-Writhe
[link][/link] They appear to have little impulse control and have made reference to racism and homosexuality...I removed both instances....but I think they bear CLOSE watching. I will see how...
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Moderator Safe Haven!!
Ok you will find an area to communicate and vent, I try and check here often. It is a place that is limited to moderators and admin only. Please use this area to keep us all in the loop of members who are not playing nice, what actions you've taken or just plain venting
Employee orders
When you need to place an order please call me... 1-800-367-3647 ext 130 I'm "generally" here 9-5 EST You pay 10% over cost plus shipping
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Ticket creating difficulty
Hi! I wanted to pass on that tickets seem to be near impossible to create, without knowing what to put into the REASON field. I don't see anything to choose from...and for that reason I cannot use them effectively. Other members have mentioned this to me as well. So if there's a trick perhaps...
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[Deleted by Admins]
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Dog trainer forum?
More information and focus on the companionship between dogs and their owners would be fine. Also, would be nice if you added a forum devoted to dog trainers, vets and dog experts.
Animal Recipes?
A bunch of the animal recipes seem to have disappeared. Is that section on auto-cull or something? I directed somebody to that section because they wanted to make dog treats and... the recipe is gone... *sad* So was my thread about pumpkin pops. >;.;<
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MOVED: Jokes, fun stuff
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Training Methods
It has been very quiet in the forum since you created the CM Disucssion category. Good job, your strategy worked. Did Richard Draggin leave or was he suspended?