What is Brinxx?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What is Brinxx?

    I know that it doesn't matter, but I'm looking for opinions on what Brinxx is.  She is between 22-23 inches tall.  Currently, she weighs 51 pounds, which is a very good weight for her.  Any guesses?


    • Gold Top Dog

    My guess will be Lab Collie and possibly GSD. Probably more than 2...less than 5 LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lab/Shepherd mix is my guess too. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    My guess will be Lab Collie and possibly GSD. Probably more than 2...less than 5 LOL.

    That's what I was thinking, too, Gina.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm thinking there is some GSD in that mix too.  Likely lab as well.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would say mix of mixes.  Probably some GSD but I would doubt 50%, as every half/half GSD mix I've seen is veeeeery GSD.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see a little beagle in there - but then I always see a little beagle in these kinds of threads LOL !!


    Deb W.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Deb, her eating habits are definitely Beagle-ish!

    Thanks guys.  I suspected some type of herding dog, because she's very herdy.  When we had cattle, she was very good working the cows.  Now, she herds sheep when she gets a chance.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Did you get her as an adult? I've always wondered if her coat had been shaved. It's the black guard hairs on her ears and tail, and the shorter appearance of her body that makes me wonder.


    I'd also guess Labby/ Shepherd/ Aussie or BC type mix. I'd LOVE to see her herding cows!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I got her when she was around 1-1.5 years old.  She was a dump off.  When I got her, she was covered in mange, & literally, had about 10 hairs on the top of her head.  What you see, is how she grew back.  She hasn't been shaved, other than for knee surgeries, & around various cuts, & scrapes.

    • Gold Top Dog

     That is very interesting! She has a very unusual looking coat. Emma's grew back different, after she had mange. I wonder if Brinxx's did, too. She always has such a sweet expression, in your photos. That's what reminds me of Aussies. The sweet eyes, split mask, and something of her shape (though I can't put my finger on it).

    • Gold Top Dog
    I see bc or some similar type breed, hound, and lab. I don't really see any GSD.
    • Gold Top Dog

    She has beautiful eyes. I see collie in her, as others have suggested, and possibly some shepherd as well. I don't think any of those are 50/50 though. I think she's a mix of mixes and I really don't have any ideas on what other breeds might be mixed in there. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I was wondering about here when I did your sig.  I was thinking Lab/shepherd and collie mix.  We have lots of lab/shepherd crosses around here with that type of coat and tail, either black like my Trooper was which tend to look have markings like a rottie, or gold like Brinxx.  But they are slightly different and very rarely have a blaze or any real white on their faces.  Hence the collie of some type.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I know that it doesn't matter, but I'm looking for opinions on what Brinxx is. 


     She is cute :D 

    I have no idea about breeds, lol