making deposit on Frenchie pup?

    • Gold Top Dog


    Jen - my BFF lives in Manchester, NH and is a volunteer for the French Bulldog Rescue Network (the link that Jamie mentioned above), if you're interested in a rescue I can get you two in touch if you want.  I know you said you wanted a puppy, which can be relatively rare in rescue, but an 8 or 9 month old will have almost as much growing up with your kids time as a 2 month old.  I can see two in Maine, and two in Mass just at first glance... the two in CT are biters, and not reco'd for homes with kids.

    Just to reitterate - this breed can have quite a number of health issues with indiscriminate breeding.  I'd def avoid a breeder who isn't health testing their Frenchies.

      Most rescues do not come from health tested parents or from careful breeders and are likely to have missed out on early socialization and training. Not to say rescues can't be great dogs or that people shouldn't consider them. But there are certainly advantages to buying from a reputable breeder who health tests and to getting a younger puppy.

    • Gold Top Dog

    no they don't but PB rescues tend to spend the time to find out a dog is healthy...whereas shelters cannot always(understandably) do so due to time and money constraints. They also tend to have fostering systems where a clearer picture of temperament can be given to the potential adopter, IMO they are an excellent alternative to a breeder if one is looking for a purebred dog...and they do great work and are worth supporting in whatever manner a person can.

    In fact...Jen..fostering might be a GREAT way to see if the breed is a good match for your family...and if you are ready for the rigors of dog ownership as a family in general...maybe a good first step!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Most rescues do not come from health tested parents or from careful breeders and are likely to have missed out on early socialization and training.

      This can be true, but we're talking about $350 for a dog from a purebreed rescue whose personality is established and measurable, health issues are likely already discovered and treated, etc, etc .... versus $1600 for an untested puppy with none of the above.  I fully support the right and desire to pursue a puppy from a good breeder - my next dog will likely be from a breeder versus rescue, despite my years of rescue experience.  I have particular desires out of my next dog.  If all I wanted was a well-balanced, healthy pet to add to my family, a rescue would be at the top of my resources to check out.
    • Gold Top Dog


    no they don't but PB rescues tend to spend the time to find out a dog is healthy...whereas shelters cannot always(understandably) do so due to time and money constraints. They also tend to have fostering systems where a clearer picture of temperament can be given to the potential adopter, IMO they are an excellent alternative to a breeder if one is looking for a purebred dog...and they do great work and are worth supporting in whatever manner a person can.

      I agree that purebred rescue can be a good option to consider but they are not IMO the same as buying from a reputable breeder. While I can understand mentioning rescue, this person seems like a good canidate for a well bred puppy and it seems like that is the direction they are leaning towards, so I don't see a reason to try to talk them out of it. A knowledgeable breeder is a GREAT place to get a puppy :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    *shrug* I didn't see anyone talking anyone out of anything..merely making suggestions. I guess it's all a matter of perception. Jen seems to have some good info to run with in whatever direction she chooses to take. Hopefully she'll come by an update us as she wades thru the process!

    • Bronze


    I did look at the rescue link that you mentioned and saw the same dogs. One in paticular that caught my eye only had a food aggression problem, but with a 3 year old daughter,any problem can be a risk not worth taking. Thats not to say I'm not open to keeping tabs on what the rescue network is doing maybe a good fit will come along. Thats great that you have a friend doing rescue near me, I will send you a message with my contact info. Thanks for your help.




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    • Gold Top Dog

    Got it and forwarded to my friend. Smile

    Meanwhile, in the vein of Frenchie babies... my sister sent me this video of a Frencie puppy who can't get up.... ssooo cute: