Hello! Can you help me ID my puppy?

    • Bronze

     I have never seen a pit bull that is anywhere near as thin boned as she is though...  Especially if she is really mixed with lab..  The people I got her from said that themom was pure lab and that they saw her so that is all I really have to go off of. They also said that they saw the dad and that he was lab too but there could have always been another male that snuck in there.  But unless they were just plain lying, she should be at least half lab.....  She must be mixed with something very small I think because I have read that most 14 week old labs are about 25lbs or so and she is probably right around 13lbs right now...

    • Gold Top Dog


     I have never seen a pit bull that is anywhere near as thin boned as she is though...  Especially if she is really mixed with lab..  The people I got her from said that themom was pure lab and that they saw her so that is all I really have to go off of. They also said that they saw the dad and that he was lab too but there could have always been another male that snuck in there.  But unless they were just plain lying, she should be at least half lab.....  She must be mixed with something very small I think because I have read that most 14 week old labs are about 25lbs or so and she is probably right around 13lbs right now...


     Puppy size doesn't always mean much - my Dobe mix was about 5lbs at 8 weeks and grew to be 85lbs :)

     It is hard to trust what breed people say dogs are, that Dobe mix supposed to be a Beagle mix LOL I know someone who got two supposed "purebred Lab" puppies from someone and as they grew up it was obvious they were mixed with something else - one looks like a Beagle/Lab and the other, I'm not sure but it is a mix without a doubt. People see a large, shorthaired dogs and often think "Lab".

      Given the situation she came from it is extremely unlikely she would be mixed with Whippet, as they are just not that common of a breed. Pit Bulls have a a lot of variation in size and some purebreds weigh only 35lbs (which really is more correct than the 80+lb ones that are common these days).

    • Gold Top Dog

    The correct average size of a pittie is 40lbs, which is MUCH smaller than your average lab (correct and huge). Her face screams pitties, to me - as do the ears and stance in the front legs.

    Bone structure changes as the pups age. I've seen many of my fosters turn out HUGE from teeny, tiny pups. A boxer/pit mix that I had at 10 weeks was only about 10-12 lbs.

    • Bronze
    Thanks for all the good info guys and gals! Today she weighed in at 12lbs 14oz. She will be 14 weeks tomorrow.
    • Bronze
    How does everyone feel about those DNA tests to see what breed your dog is?
    • Gold Top Dog

    How does everyone feel about those DNA tests to see what breed your dog is?


    Save your money.  They're terribly inaccurate.

    I agree with the others that she looks like a pit mix.  But, she might change a lot in appearance as she grows, and whatever breeds she has in her, she's 100% adorable!!

    Both my dogs are mutts, and I love them to death no matter what their make up is.  I have a general idea, but I prefer to just tell people they're BBDs - Big black dogs. LOL.

    • Bronze

     Ha ha yeah Im not sure why I am so curious as to what breeds she is.... I think I mostly just want to know what size she will be..

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm thinking - based on her size now - she'll average around 40lbs. Hard to say for sure, but that seems like a good number for now!

    I agree with Heather... save your money on the breed test... I posted a link a while back about a friend of mine that tested her dog (bc/pit - accurate enough) and her coworker who tested her dog - her's was a bichon (purebred) and the test came back as some sort of dobie mix...I'll try to dig up the link again.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I prefer to just tell people they're BBDs - Big black dogs. LOL.


    I am a "BBD" lover myself!!!  ROTF!

    • Bronze

     Im totally fine with a BBD! .....I just dont want a TBD... (TINY)  hahaha

    • Silver

    Likely part Lab, obviously.  I'm not seeing any pit bull at all, or any bully breed for that matter.  I lean more toward other terrier breeds.  Her build and face look a lot like several Rat Terriers I know.  I wouldn't be shocked by Whippet.  Border Collie is a possibility, as her face looks somewhat like my Norah's face.  However, I rather doubt BC as she doesn't have any other usual characteristics.  I'm voting for Lab/Rat Terrier.  Rat Terriers tend to be small but can be quite tall too, btw.


    Whatever she is, she is seriously cute!  She looks like the ultimate puppy :)  I would love to see more photos as she grows!

    • Bronze

     Thanks! I would love her to be lab/bc! I think that would be a great combo!  I will post more pics as she grows!

    • Bronze

     Her last shot is this monday 8/31/09!!! I cant wait to be able to take her out! I have been wondering how long after the last set of puppy shots did you wait before you took your puppy outside??? Thanks!

    • Bronze

     The little girl got her last set of shots today! She weighed in at 14lbs 2.5oz... She is about 15.5 weeks old now

    • Bronze