Getting into a new breed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Getting into a new breed.

     Ok so I have loved Irish Setters since I was 10 and read the book "Red" and then a couple weeks later actually seeing an Irish Setter in real life. I was determined to have an Irish Setter one day and have been lucky to have had 4 of them in my life.

    But since getting Joker I really dont see myself having Irish Setters after Lillie and Fynn are gone. I know that's a long time for now but I've come to realize these 2 will most likely be my last. I really love the Vizsla. I just wish they had long hair so I could groom them. Hehe. I love how Joker loves being with me and how smart he is. He's a blast to teach new things to. He's very energetic but has control over it. He likes to play with toys. He doesnt bark or whine. He's very loyal but not too velcroish for me. As he gets older he's just keeps getting more and more enjoyable to have.

    So if you loved one certain breed but got into another why did you?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was an Akita person before Beagles as many here know. I left that breed because I like to have multiple dogs and was going to be getting married and having kids and the kids and multiple dog thing is much easier and less stressful when the breed is not a dog aggro one! I also was not pleased about the general health in the breed and the somewhat silly focus some in the breed had on types and breed splits, before health and mental soundness.

    I picked Beagles because my husband liked them and they have a nice temperament for the family scene, not too big, inexpensive to vet and show...relatively easy breeders...and they just fit well into our lifestyle. If you pick a breed your mate is fond of it's only logical they will allow more of them in the house Wink

    I have admired Leo's almost as long as Akitas but was never in a position to own one financially or space wise or pack make up wise until Cleo entered the picture. I made it happen and it's worked out great.

    I find my lifestyle/life stages to be a primary factor in the breeds I chose. But also because I breed I also have to consider the hardiness of the of my other fave's Pugs for ex...gorgeous little breed..but a real nightmare when it comes to breeding compared with my hounds. Just not ready for that sort of thing yet.

    Jury is still out on Leo' can lose them VERY early on and that'd break me in a way I could not describe. Not sure how many times I will be going down that road...

    I have said before "no more" on the hounds and breeding and showing during some of the bad times...and yet because of the progress I've made and the few (relative to others) but memorable accomplishments dogs out of my breeding have garnered I stay in. It does make me very happy, and I love the breed...admittedly, not in the same way I love Akitas or Leo''s not as intense or bone deep I don't think, perhaps simply because of the "time in". But in some ways, purely because of the kind of temperament I have as a person, that can aid me to make those tough decisions...and keep the BREED in the forefront of my decisions.

    BTW There is a breed called the Wirehaired Vizsla...maybe something to consider in several years, if you'd like more grooming.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Akitas to Beagles....I still have trouble with that one Gina! Stick out tongue

    My first favorite breed was the Malinois.  It probably still is, as far as how I revere them.  Mals to GSDs is barely much of a switch (though working line Mal people will not so much agree!) but there are enough general differences for the GSD to simply be a better fit for us at this time.  Maybe someday I'll get into Mals *sigh*  Beyond that I really can't imaging a breed switch.  There is so much variety in GSDs that you can compare two who are more different than a comparison of two different breeds.

    I'm sure I will own other breeds because DH has a different personality.  I can see a Beagle or Boxer in the near future, or likely just a long line of shelter/rescue mixes as the "family dog".  I have no idea what breeds Coke is and he fills that roll perfectly.  He is my heart dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    We chose Aussies because of how well they fit into our lifestyle, and interests. They are really a good fit for us and I'd like to have two Aussies all the time.

    That being said, there are a few other breeds out there that I would love to have down the road (Staffy, Frenchie, Norwegian Buhund, Bouvier). Sometimes I think it's a bummer that we only live for 80 - 100 years, because that limits how many dogs we get to experience life with. That's why we foster.Stick out tongue


    • Gold Top Dog

     I know i don't have my doberman quite YET, but i think i will be a major dobie person. I feel like they have all the best traits of the GSD but with less hair, no tail, and a little goofier personality. I will probably have another GSD in the future, but i don't know if right away after Kaiser passes, we'll see. There will always be a ridgeback in my life, there is no doubt about that one!!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've been 'into' shelties for a while now... 14+ years and I've had three in a row.  Since then we got kind of stuck on papillons.  I was not in the market for a toy dog, no interest at all.  Since then I discovered how completely amazing the papillons are.  Their temperaments are just so fabulous, they have a ton of humor and zest for life.  Mine are more energetic than my shelties have ever been (which seems a little backwards but it's true for me), they're also more keyed in on me, more motivated.  All in all, the main reason I 'switched' was how much better I think their temperament is.  I still think shelties are pretty dogs and good dogs, but the breed just doesn't do anything for me really.

     I blame a lot of it on Trey... I know that sounds bad, but it's true.  He's just been a very difficult dog who combined the worst of the sheltie characteristics and predispositions.   I've looked into shelties recently again.  I may yet have another, but I can feel a breed switch coming.  I enjoy having something larger than a pap, but I'm in an apartment, which makes things difficult.  My 'type' of dog doesn't do well in apartments.  However, the more I consider shelties, the more I realize that I really like other breeds a lot more now.  It makes me sad in a way, my childhood is filled with shelties-they were my best friends.

     There is only one breed that inspires me almost as much as papillons, and that is border collies.  I don't know why, but since I met the first one we had in the shelter, I knew it.  For me, the love is something so intense for these two breeds.  Bone deep as Gina described is about right.  They are both remarkable in some very similar and very different ways.   One's a pure working dog, one's a pure companion dog...  Who knows where that'll go, I know I'll have at least one border collie in the future.  And as much as my brain says now is not the time for a bc, my heart really really wants one more than anything.  I am not ruling the right one out for the next dog either. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    As you become exposed to new breeds, it's very common (and likely) for your preferences to expand.  I'm sure as a kid you didn't even know what a Visla was.  Now that you're getting into showing, I'm sure you'll find even more breeds that you adore and would love to have.  Stick out tongue

    I was a "big dog" person.  I am especially fond of the Malinois and GSD and figured one of those would be my next dog (Luke is a Lab/GSD, at least).  Then I was introduced to the Klee Kai and went bonkers.  I'm learning the joy of having a small dog and how nice it is to just be able to pick them up and tote them around.  Plus, Kaiser's crate is WAY easier to haul around at shows than Luke's.  lol  I can definitely see myself having more Klee Kai in the future.

    Your changing interests can also dictate a change in breed.  In years past I would have never even thought about having a Border Collie, but now that my main interest is in agility I'm thinking that a smooth coated black & white BC is likely in my future.

    Speaking of color....  I also think that some people (like me) are drawn to particular colors or patterns.  I am a very black/white person.  I've had a white horse, a black horse, a black dog & a black/white dog.  My family is into Scotties and Westies (so more black/white).  My eye is really not all that drawn to other colors.

    The Visla & the Irish Setters are similar color pallets, so that may be another reason why you are drawn to the Visla now.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I admit I do like red. Someone had to point it out though once when I was naming off dog breeds I'd like to have. Not in horses though. Give me a black or gray anyday!!

    I was looking into the Wirehair Vizsla but I want long silky soft to touch or fluffy fun to hug type grooming. How much coat a dog has isnt that big of a deal to me. I just found grooming a dog to be relaxing and there's only so much you can do to a short haired dog.

    • Gold Top Dog


    If you pick a breed your mate is fond of it's only logical they will allow more of them in the house Wink


    That is so true! I mean JJ just started paying attention to Joker after watching Dogs 101 and he mentioned getting Joker a playmate. Ha! 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Another thing that's changed for me is when I 'got into' dogs, I first had pets but then was interested in showing, and even breeding. The more I'm around breeding, the less I want the stress, lol! And showing doesn't interest me nearly as much as it did now that I've found agility and other sports. (I'm going to go to a flyball meet this weekend) Agility is much much fun than conformation.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Speaking of color....  I also think that some people (like me) are drawn to particular colors or patterns. 

    I'm very much an all black first bags....most of my natural hair, some say it's a Boston thing though, idk. I HATE bright colors (yellow, orange, pink, bright blue or green), lol. And I could never see myself owning a "flashy" dog like a tri color or red or something though I think they're beautiful.

    Black goes with everything Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well Kirby is my first dog so I can't say I've changed over breeds, but I have got into many different species.  As I've grown up I've kept all sorts of different critters, often choosing to try something new rather than repeat.  hamsters, a guinea pig, rats, ferrets, various lizards, a parakeet (along with many other birds I rehabbed for a rescue group) a cat, a pony, hermit crabs, praying mantises/all sorts of other insects, fish, a tortoise, and whatever else I’m forgetting at the moment.

    I loved all the critters I got to share my life with and one of the things I look forward to is all the critters if I’m lucky I will get to keep as my life continues.  I guess I’ve always thought one of the fun things in life is the variety of it all.

    Although I love papillons, and knew when I first met my Aunt’s pap, Gizmo, as a child that I was going to have one, I’m not sure yet if I’ll always have one or not.  There are so many other breeds I would love to try out.  Not to mention other species.  Sugar gliders, cockatoo's and fence foxes were the other three contenders I was rolling around my head when I finally decided the time was right to go for a dog instead.

    The only animal I’m certain will always be appearing in and out of my life are praying mantises.  Something about those big eyed bugs sooths my soul and I can go through dreadful mantis withdrawal without them. <___<


    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm not as picky about overall color and pattern, but I like a black face (GSD, Mal, Akita, Beauceron...).

    • Gold Top Dog
    For markings I like anything that has variation. I love breeds where each individual has very different markings. Bicolors, tricolors, split faces, blazes, ticking, I adore all those.
    • Gold Top Dog


    So if you loved one certain breed but got into another why did you?

     I loved GSDs since I was about 5 years old - our neighbors got one and from that point on I always bugged my parents for a GSD. When I was allowed to get my own dog for my 11th birthday, I ended up getting a Dobe mix from the pound because my parents didn't want to spend much and wanted me to get something smaller than our Irish Setter (the Dobe mix was supposed to be a Beagle mix LOL). I got into 4H with that dog and within a couple years I just had to have a purebred dog to compete in AKC stuff with. Bitten by the bug as some people say.

     Our 4H club was very "Collie heavy", as multiple members owned Collies and one of the advisors bred them. I had never really been exposed to Collies until joining that club and thought they were cool dogs, especially the Smooths. I decided to wait on the GSD and get a Collie puppy. He was a great dog and a lot of fun (although a bit trying at times). I got my GSD when he was about 6 years old but while on the waiting list for her, I asked my 4H advisor if she had a dog I could work with and maybe show in conformation. I fully expected her to bring me a Collie but she brought me a pointy black dog that smiled. In addition to the Collies she had dabbled in Belgians, a breed which was never really in my mind to own - my favorite breeds were GSDs, Collies and BCs. Because of that dog though, my house is now full of pointy black dogs that smile. ;)

      I showed the Belgian in conformation and made friends with the local Belgian people. I tried to get into show GSDs but for me they are too far removed from the things I like about GSDs. Perhaps if my first GSD wasn't a super smart, super trainable German line girl things could have went differently but I'm not sure. The GSD show scene was a bit too much for me - very political, very pro-handler oriented and very competitive (and the dogs are not always umm...functional looking). I choose the Belgians because the dogs who did well in conformation also did well in performance. I tried several times to get another Collie, even looking at litter after litter of Collie puppies. None had the sort of temperament I was looking for though they were nioce dogs. I came to realize that most Collies are not like mine were as he was drivey, exuberant and loved to "do stuff" so I'm not sure if I will ever have another one, although I am still very drawn to Smooths.