Border Collies

    • Gold Top Dog

    UGGG! I'm so pissed now! I just wrote this SUPER long relpy to Becca nad it DIDNT post!!!!!!!!

    lets try this again, yes?


    Border Collies can't get that when they don't see much of you - whether it's because you work a lot, go to school a lot, or whether they spend a lot of time in the kennel or back yard.  This is why I emphasize this as the number one thing that people thinking of getting a Border Collie, need to know. 

    You can be wheelchair bound, and own a Border Collie, if you make an effort to include that dog in your daily life.  But you can't get one and stick them in the back yard and sit on the computer all day, or watching TV, and then be surprised to see problems.

    Those(the bold/italics/underlined) are the reasons why my Tucker isn't at my feet right now. Becasue WE, and mostly ME, didn't make Tucker a part of our lives. He was in a kennel 90% of the time. He got long runs a few times a week, but nothing like he needed. Tucker is not here with me today because *I* did not make the effort to change *my* life to **fit** his ***NEEDS***. It is **MY** fault that that beautiful, wonderfully smart dog is not a part of this world anymore. *I* should have pushed for him to be inside, a part of the family. *I* should have bent my scedule to *fit his needs*. I didnt. Now Tucker is dead. I've delt with those deamons, and now I am ready to have another Border Collie because I know now what they NEED. They NEED a job of some sort. It's what they DO, it's what they NEEED. I can provide what a Border Collie needs now, better then I could 3 years ago. And in 3 more years when I am even MORE ready to get a BC, I will be even MORE able to give a Border Collie what he/she NEEDS.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Becca I joined that one, and posted a few times....mostly about the BC pup in CCAC, another board member called and it turns out he got adopted.


    I think I'm dying of lack-of-Border-Collie. LOL! I keep looking at petfinder and a few other sites(I'm trying to stay off dogsindanger, that WOULD kill me), and I can't wait to be out on my own(for this reason, and many others)

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hey, just hang out with the BC Board people - there are a few wanna be, used to be, and future-only Border Collie owners on there.  Now is a good time to just learn.  I know it's hard when you know how great it was to own one yourself, but if you wait and learn, you'll be in much better shape to offer the best home for a Border Collie later.  And more importantly, you will know a ton of people who can help you when you are ready to move from dreamin' to reality!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Very true!! Thats all I can do....I was looking at there picture board and was getting drool on the keyboard Surprise

    • Gold Top Dog


    Very true!! Thats all I can do....I was looking at there picture board and was getting drool on the keyboard Surprise



    This sounds like me.  I have a BC mix and I adore her.  I definitely consider her my heart dog.  But I SO want a companion dog for her and I really want a BC.  I spend way too much time on BC rescue sites and looking at them.  I find the "perfect dog" over and over again and it breaks my heart that I can't bring them home to live with us!

    • Gold Top Dog


    This sounds like me.  I have a BC mix and I adore her.  I definitely consider her my heart dog.  But I SO want a companion dog for her and I really want a BC.  I spend way too much time on BC rescue sites and looking at them.  I find the "perfect dog" over and over again and it breaks my heart that I can't bring them home to live with us!

    Me too....I really love the breed, and want to know **everythin** about them, I cram BC-info into my head late at night when I can't sleep.....

    A friend of mine suggested I count Border Collies in my head so I could sleep.....but then I just want to go to petfinder and find the "perfect" BC to count....LOL....can ya tell I'm a TAD obsesive over them?

    But, seriously, there not the dog for everyone just because there smart.....but, if you really love them, you make you life work for them. I'm in the process of making my life fit for another dog, mainly a BC, but it wont be until Sam's old and 'gray' that I'll be able to get one I'm afraid.....

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm still waiting for mine. *sigh* I was actually looking into rescues and talking to a lot of people but unfortunately I just can't and probably for a long time since my mom's gotten sick. I want one or a similar breed/mix so badly.
    • Gold Top Dog


    If it make ya feel better - when I get mine, we can trade off every now and then, and I can get those ADORABLE Papillons! Which, if I were to ever get a little dog, would be my #1 choice....they sort of look like mini-BC's from the right angle LOL!

    • Gold Top Dog

    And as you know we still love your input Laurellin!  

    Dahlia is beautiful, crysania!  We had a famous sire when I first got into it who threw all-black dogs and your dog reminds one of those.  I'm possibly getting a grandpup of that dog in a few months (we'll see, no confirmation on the breeding taking yet).

    A friend of mine suggested I count Border Collies in my head so I could sleep...

    Start learning about sheepdog trialing, and once you've been to a couple of events, you can do what I do and run a dream dog (although my dream dog is reality and his name is Ted) through a trial course! 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Hehe, Becca, you can be assured that when the time is right I'll be poking you for guidance (again). I'm thinking about a rescue for the first one. I don't think I want a pup to start with, and I doubt Summer would either lol. I've had the bc blues a long time. And as far as paps looking like mini bcs, I can kind of see it. But she must to some people because she's gotten asked if she was a mini bc before. O.o Yeah, a 7 lb mini bc! She gets asked if she's a miniature collie even more and that one seems even more far fetched. I actually had Trey (sheltie) and Summer out before and someone asked if she was a mini collie. I thought he meant Trye so I said he was a sheltie. he said no and pointed to Summer.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a sable merle foster here who is seven pounds - not full grown yet but she's pretty runty and I doubt she'll top 12 pounds unless we've got her age wrong.

    Of course, I think they may have bred in mini Aussie to get the cool colors and small size, aiming at the sporty market.  ARgh. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow! 12 lbs is tiny! I saw a picture of her and she's adorable! I think the smallest I know is just over 20 lbs. I'm hoping mine is at least as big or bigger than my shelties have been. Maybe the size of the first sheltie, she was a big one at 35 lbs. I hate the fad nowadays to make everything smaller. It's terrible in toys of course. Purse puppies! With the mini aussie thing going on so strong, I'm actually pretty surprised mini bcs aren't big for sports. I guess there's always borderjacks for that, though. And I never understood the color breeders breeding for merle. To me the prettiest is still just black and white. (Though red and white can be gorgeous too)
    • Gold Top Dog

    I think temperaments are too unstable to screw with to that extreme.  We get problems when we even do too much trial-oriented breeding.  And the color breeding alone can lead to pretty crazy stuff.  Well bred Border Collies have a rather wacky way of looking at the world anyway.  Imagine one with Napoleonic issues.  Stick out tongue 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Lol, off topic but one day I will have a papillon named Napoleon.  I tried to get my sister to name Bernard (her puppy) that but she wouldn't.  ;)

     I have a question that's been bothering me a bit.  I've asked other bc people but the answers were varying.

     You mentioned too much trial breeding bringing out problems.  I don't know if you're familiar but I grew up with a trial bred lab and that breed has run into a lot of problems (imo) because of trial breeding.  Is it similar in bcs?  The deal with labs is not all trials reward things that really matter in a good working dog (flash and speed could be rewarded when a hunter needs a steady retriever for real life work) The result is super reactive dogs that have no off switch (which a good gundog needs).   I suppose if trialing is  closer to the real life situations you wouldn't have these problems.  I just got curious if there were any similarities because you mentioned that.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think by 'trial bred' Becca means breeding dogs for there working ability - am I right?

    I've been feeling the BC blues too....and have to agree, I am in aw of a tradional black and white, thou a well-bred blue merle is beutiful, thou I dont think I'll ever buy one.....I like black/white/tri's too.