what is he?

    • Gold Top Dog

    what is he?

    my friend just gave me this dog to foster until I can find him a good home. She found him on the street. I think he's a schnoodle, but not sure since he's kinda short for poodle. He weights about 7 lbs and I think he's just a young boy.





    • Gold Top Dog

     He's cute is what he is!  Does he have a name yet?  Looks like a schnauzer tash Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG, he's adorable... i'd probably guess schnoodle too...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maybe a maltese/poodle mix...? 7lbs is small!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maltese.....Thats the size a Maltese should be, he's got a Maltese face, color, everything.

    • Gold Top Dog

     His face looks Schnauzer to me.

    Did he come off the street looking like that? If so he might have some people out looking for him.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks Poodle/Schnauzer to me, also.  Could be some Maltese in the mix, too.  He looks bigger than 7 pounds, more the size of my Grandmother's Toy Poodle- about 11 pounds.  Could be the picture, tho.  He sure is a cutie!

    • Gold Top Dog


    yes, he came off the street looking like that..My friend picked him up on the street (he almost got hit by cars) but she can't take him home because she lives with her parents. I've asked my friend to post Found Dog notice or something around where she found him. His owner might be looking for him. But I'm also kinda feeling angry at his owner. I'm no one to judge any body, but when the dog is in bad shape (super skinny that his rib bones stick out) and has bad ear infection, with no color or tag, I feel like the owner doesn't deserve this dog (or any kind of animal).



    • Gold Top Dog

    Even though he is in poor condition he could be someone's lost dog.  Can you take him to your Vet and have him scanned for a microchip?  No matter how bad a dog may appear it is not always the case of an uncaring owner.  Sometimes dogs escape from cars when people are traveling.  yes, he should have been wearing a collar with tags but if it were me I would still make every attempt to make sure he doesn't have an owner who is looking for him.  He is very cute and you are very nice to give him shelter.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I wanted to say that I do know how you feel about his owners and I understand.  I have been in those shoes and once I found the owner of a dog I found but because of many factors I won't go into I did end up finding a wonderful new home and told the owner the dog I had found was not her dog.  But I did give the original owner the chance to tell me why her dog was in the condition she was in (horrible) and in the location that I found her.  Be careful when you describe her because many times people will claim a dog that is not theirs.  Ask anyone who says they lost a dog to describe the dog they lost rather than you giving them the description. If there are no identifying marks it is much harder.  I never even tell the sex of the dog.  Just a general description like: "small dog found in such and such area".


    • Gold Top Dog


    that's a great idea. I was worrying the same thing, that someone might just claim him because they want a small dog.  So I told my friend to just post Found Dog, and then have them contact me.  I'm really interested to know who owns this dog.

    • Gold Top Dog


    ......I'm no one to judge any body, but when the dog is in bad shape (super skinny that his rib bones stick out)...

    Well, that explains the estimated 7 pounds!  Smile   Like others have said, he could be someone's lost pet, not a "drop off/neglect".  Could be he's been lost for awhile or was stolen and escaped.  As I said before, he sure is a cutie!  Hope you have good luck finding either his owners or a home for him.

    • Gold Top Dog

    His owner might be looking for him. But I'm also kinda feeling angry at his owner. I'm no one to judge any body, but when the dog is in bad shape (super skinny that his rib bones stick out) and has bad ear infection, with no color or tag, I feel like the owner doesn't deserve this dog (or any kind of animal).

    I really feel that that is no ones call to make. My dog doesn't wear a collar in the house, or in the back yard - if he got out, would I not deserve him back because he wasn't wearing his tags? Some dogs have medical conditions that make them skinny as well - he made need mediction. Ear infections are also hard to get rid of, it takes time.

    Get the dog scanned, and post found flyers. The papers often run found ads for free, and the shelter will take reports. Just say small white dog found here, contact for more info.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know Sophie has slipped out of her collar when going for a walk, her collar is normall kept at the correct tightness, but now and than it will be lose and she knows how to back out of it and get free. Could very well have been the case with this baby. He's SOOOOO incredibly cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a small dog who is quite skinny. He eats double what a dog his size would normally eat and is still ribby and at times you can see his backbone. He has had every blood test known to man, as well as xrays. All is perfect. He's just very active with an apparently very fast metabolism. I'd hate for someone to not return him to me if he got out simply because they assumed he was being neglected. And, if he got out and went a few days without food, he'd be even more thin.

    On the ear infection, the little dog seems to have Schnauzer ears, which can be quite hairy and foster moisture, causing infection.

    He looks like he's been trimmed in the not too distant past..their beards just don't grow like that usually.  Take him in to be scanned and post ads and flyers to give an owner a chance at finding their pet