Corgi or Sheltie

    • Gold Top Dog

    Corgi or Sheltie

    Do they stick their tongues out a lot?

    Kota is a mutt and I am always wondering what he is a mix of but he has this habit of always having his tongue sticking out just a little bit.  The photo of Tootsie with her SS gift shows her tongue sticking out so I was wondering if it was a corgi thing, or if shelties also do it.  I've had people ask if Kota is a sheltie but I just don't know!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not sure if it's a breed thing or just a dog thing.

    All the pics I've seen of Kota remind me of a Shepherd/Chow/Sheltie.

    How big is he?

    • Gold Top Dog

     That was a fluke. Tootsie never sticks her tongue out.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It was a super cute fluke thou!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Nike always seems to have his mouth half open...I'm not sure if it's related, but Nike definitely always has this perpetual "I'm about to say something" look. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Two of my papillons do that. They just sit with their tongue stuck out of their mouth, the weirdos.
    • Gold Top Dog

     Maybe he's part Papillion then.  ;)

    Kota is only 20 pounds and about 14 inches at the shoulder.


    • Gold Top Dog


    Taz(Moms dog) is only 20-ish pounds and he is a 1y/o Shih Tzu/Pom

    • Gold Top Dog

    I may be biased, but I totally see Sheltie. Wink 

    As to what else, I'm unsure, but he's a looker! 

    • Gold Top Dog
    • Gold Top Dog

    Cord's tongue is always sticking out a little.  It's genetic - every dog that came from his mom's line (her and her many many full sibs, it was a popular cross) - does the tongue-sticking-out-thing.  If I see a dog doing it I say, "Burtersett Lad grandpup?" and they always say yes!

    Soon after I got Cord, a friend of mine and I were driving to a trial and Cord was laying on the back seat behind my friend.  She looked in the back at Cord, did a double take, and then screamed out, "Becca!  There's somethign wrong with Cord!"

    After I nearly ran off the road (!) I looked at Cord and didn't see anything unusual.  By that time Cord, also alarmed, had sucked his tongue back in his head for a second and now was looking at us open mouthed with it hanging completely out.

    My friend's eyes were big as saucers but she calmed down and explained that she'd looked back and Cord was staring with the "pinwheel look" in his eyes, and his mouth was closed but his tongue was hanging out and was all dried up and shriveled.  I told her that was all normal.  Between the glazed look in his eyes and the dried up tongue she thought he was having a stroke or something! 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Becca, what's weird is the two sisters don't both do it. It's a sister and a second cousin here that do it. I swear, their tongue must really be dried out after a while, can't be comfortable. Summer usually does that when she's very focused on something.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Penny sticks her tongue out a lot. 

    I know a dog that is part Sheltie, but he's a bit heavily built, short in the legs and long in the body. They don't know what he's crossed with. His face looks very Sheltie, though, with the narrow nose. Kota looks more corgi in the face to me. At least from that angle.

    • Gold Top Dog




    Yes!!!!  that's it exactly!

    • Gold Top Dog
    I see some type of Spitz and a herding breed.