You'll never guess what Sabre (aka Bingo) is....(erica1989)

    • Gold Top Dog

    You'll never guess what Sabre (aka Bingo) is....(erica1989)

    Sabre (aka "Bingo";) was a former foster of mine, adopted not to long ago. Well, his family wanted to know what he was - so they did a DNA test.

    here is the link to the origional breed guess post -

    soo... what do YOU think he is?





    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like a Border Collie X Beagle X Lab mix. He is gorgeous though! Absolutely stunning.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, given how "accurate" those tests seem to be, I'll say the results came back as predominately Poodle.  Now, what do I think he is?  Cute as a button, that's what.  Smile  Seriously, I can see why others said BC in the previous post, although his ears look bigger than the BCs I've seen around here.  I still say Cute as a button, tho.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, I didn't guess during the last thread, but I'll say lab/pit.  His ears look like alot of the pit puppies in the shelter. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I think he resembles a Pit mix or Staffy Bull mix.  Possibly some hound, too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bingo is:

    Mostly AKITA. Yea......

    With some traces of Staffy and Engligh Springer Spaniel

    We don't have a large akita population around here.... esp. in the area he was found..... mostly labs and such. Pit I can understand - there's one on every corner around here, spaniel.... eh, I don't know about that. But Akita? hmmmmm...........

    I've often joked that if I sent Casey's in - he would come back as a poodle/pit mix. just because. haha

    • Gold Top Dog
    I seriously don't see one iota of akita, LOL. But he's cute!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, I really hate your friend wasted their money.  I think those tests are a lot of hooey, frankly.  And I have a couple of friends who are PhD genetic researchers who agree with me.  I have a friend who sent off their dog's information - the dog was pretty sure either Aussie or Border Collie - they just didn't know which for sure (or maybe a mix).  The dog worked sheep like a Border Collie, eyes down, lots of style.  But had a half tail and was blue merle.  The test came back Afghan . . .pit bull . . .English sheepdog . . .and pomeranian.  Not one bit of either BC or Aussie, apparently.

    Yeah, right.

    The problem is that those tests don't take history into account.  If they did, they'd know why a possibly pure or half BC could carry markers for any of those breeds, and still carry not a trace of blood from any purebred representative of those dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I have not clicked the link or read the previous replies but I am guessing Saber is a mixture/purebred of really rare breed/s or really common breed/s.

    Shot in the dark here buuuuttt...NSDTR and Borzi? lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    haha - I totally agree.

    However... we had another lady that pulled a dog for us from another shelter, and ended up keeping her. Muppet LOOKS border collie/pit - and that's what her test came back to be. She did a whole news report on it (she's a writer) I'll have to find it, picture and all.

    But, mostly - those tests are a load of crap.

    ETA: Link to Muppet's story-

    she did use a different type of test, not sure how much those vary... if at all.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I actually had a pup in my obedience class that looks very similar to this guy and he was half Akita (don't remember if it was the mom or the dad).  They knew the parents, though.  He had the same markings and ears, though he had a "pointier" nose and a tad bit longer coat (it was long, but it was fuzzier and thicker, more like an Akita I suppose).  So, I suppose its possible....but I also don't take those DNA tests seriously.  After some of the results I've seen, I have absolutely no faith.  Though it would be funny to see what they said Rafe was.  He'd probably end up being mostly Poodle with traces of French bulldog and Shih-tzu...LOL!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Akita!  That's SOOOOO hilarious, I don't see a drop of Akita in that little dude!  That's why I haven't bothered with DNA tests, I'm dying to know what my dogs are, but it seems like they all come back with silly results. Although, that is interesting about Muppet coming back what he actually looks like.  Cruiser doesn't really look like anything, so I'm sure we'd here some crazy results, that he's Irish Wolfhound mixed with Newfie and Pomerian or something lol.

    • Gold Top Dog

    And just for laughs - Muppet's moms coworker also did the test.

    Mojo is a PB bichon.... with traces of pit bull?!? ahahahah.

    (that was the other link on Muppet's page - but the link was not working, this story took a bit more digging to find)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I like Muppets story! Myabe it's 'cuz I'm a BC lover with a heart for those Bully breeds. LOL.

    I want to do one for Sam and Taz. I'd like to 'know' whats in those two! Taz is sapposed to be a Shih Tzu/Pomeranian and Sam is Lab-X

    • Gold Top Dog

    One of the people on the pit forum I belong to did a DNA test for fun onher dog, who is an AKC finished champion Am Staff. Hmmm...she came back with all SORTS of breeds.  I agree--a waste of $!