Another guess the mix

    • Gold Top Dog

    Another guess the mix

    So I was organizing my pet papers and realized Tina's still listed as a dalmation/jrt mix... Cause we all know, white puppies with black spots have to be dalmations and any active, bouncy pup needs to be a JRT...

    I've had JRT owners say they see some JRT in her. Especially the way she bounces and jumps. I see some bulldog in the way she walks and how her front is squared... (The spike on her head is natural btw.)

    So, what do you think?

    puppy picture 1

    puppy pic 1

      puppy picture 2

    fully grown to a nice 26lbs


    and another


    • Gold Top Dog

     Maybe mix of a terrier - something mix?

    I can't see a dalmatian dog in her, as much as I try...

    Never mind, she is a doll!Wink 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm thinking something like JRT and pit or bulldog mix or maybe a chihuahua and bulldog type?  Don't see any dalmation, but yes, alot of people see spots and automatically think that.  I've gotten that call on Indie because he has some speckles.  Sure a cutie whatever she is! 


    ETA: oops, she is, whatever SHE is.  LOL 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I can definitely see a JRT, with a stocky, short built.... and her head and expression sure looks like a JRT.  I'm not sure what else is in the mix though, I can't think of a breed that can have a spotted coat like that.  I'm sure it's not a Dalmatian, otherwise she'd be bigger than 26lbs.

    Just wanted to add that she looks very good(weight) and not like my neighbors JRT (below)!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I see pitt mix in the 2nd pic and Cattle Dog in the 3rd pic. So, your guess is as good as mine. No dalmation though.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I see JRT/BC.  I've known several purebred JRTs which are stocky like that, so that in itself doesn't shout bulldog to me. 

    • Gold Top Dog



     I see JRT/BC.  I've known several purebred JRTs which are stocky like that, so that in itself doesn't shout bulldog to me. 

    Just the mix I was thinking of.  There's just something about her coat that reminds me of a BC.  Her body is very similar to the first JRT my folks had.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I see JRT and agree that there may be some BC or Aussie. She looks like a mix of a mix of a mix to me and is beyond adorable!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I could definitely see her being a JRT/Bulldog mix.  I had a Lab/Bulldog mix (and parents were known for sure) in my last basic class and his markings were very similar (but a different color).  Those last two pictures seem to show it.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Her body reminds me of a pug.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I went looking for another angle shot... Tina actually has butt cheeks, only dog I know that does. Her fur is short and soooooooo soft with an undercoat. She loves people and plays well with most other dogs.


    • Gold Top Dog


     Her body reminds me of a pug.

    Yep, that's what I was going to say.  Also because her tail seems to have some curl.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I would totally go with pug. JRT/pug/maybe BC or Aussie (but honestly could be about anything). JRTs have spots. BCs do too. I think pit bulls carry the gene. But I'd see a blockier head with the APBT - because the pug has to be in there with the dwarfism evident from the leg conformation. If I'm not mistaken, almost all English bulldogs lack the ability to procreate naturally now so that would be highly unlikely to be in there. Am bulls have longer legs. I'm trying to think of other dwarf breeds that are not hugely long (like Corgis and daschies) and I'm drawing a blank for some reason. Oh, Boston Terrier due to bully connections. Labs carry the gene but you'd think to see a bigger dog there. I think what you got is a Dorable White Spotty Dog. Wink
    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm trying to think of other dwarf breeds that are not hugely long (like Corgis and daschies)

     What about JRTs? Don't they also have the dwarf gene?
    • Silver

    I myself, don't see a Dal in there.. but I do see JRT and Border Collie.. Sounds weird... but the head structure, ear set and other facial features, plus the markings look to me like a BC, and the size type of a JRT.. She's a cutie though!