stalking... a breed trait?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I have seen bothy of my dogs stalk in play, and Sally has stalked critters before.  What's funny about jack is that he really does not have what I would call a high prey drive, but I've seen him do full out stalks on dogs at the park....

    Before I had dogs though I had no idea that dogs stalked..... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Four of our five are "stalkers."

    Shooter, & Schatzi stalk prey.  They both have very hig prey drives, & are always hunting something.

    Bevo has a very healthy, albeit, more managable prey drive.  He also initiates play by stalking.  It is not unusual to see him stalking a dog at the dog park, nor is it strange for him to stalk me from across the yard. 

    Brinxx only stalks while she is working cows or sheep.  I'm not even sure that I would classify it as stalking because it is more of a herding behavior.

    • Gold Top Dog


     LOL Bugs stalks everything - today on our walk he stalked a leaf that was in the road - very suspect apparently and also a turtle sized clump of mud. One just can't tell what something might be until you stalk it and approach it cautiously Stick out tongue



    Bugsy, Ari says those you gots to watch out for those leaves, they'll blow around all over the place if you don't stalk and pounce them first!

    But yeah, it's a dog thing all around.  Ari is big on stalking, leaves, mud, a rock, that big stick over there, or other dogs while playing.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    My late-maltese use to stalk the frogs around our pound. She was very "cat-like" and also pounced on things. My current dog, a GSD mix (we think mixed with Carolina Dog) is a very highly energetic pup. I've never really seen her stalk... she tends to see and attack rather than crouch. She's also a strong tracker.

    I think ever dog has a stalking ability in them regardless on breed and training. I feel it really is more so based on prey drive. Most dogs have the ability to figure out which tactic would work best for which prey.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My cairn stalks squirrels and birds.  He has such self-control that brave squirrels (with self-control) are just in front of him moving slowly away.  If it bolts he does as well.  Birds that are sick barely staying out of reach are eventually caught and killed.  He will stalk patiently moving only one foot slowly at a time.  It is funny to watch especially when you know the birds and squirrels already know that he will never catch them.